California Chardonnay Bucket.

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It was crystal clear, so I racked it off the lees and spent oak. It's topped off (Bogle) and resting. It will take a few days for it to clear up again.
The wine is perfectly clear. It is light and fruity, with just a bit of tart to it. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing to check the ph again sometime. Wish I'd had the MLF sorted out for this, even though there wasn't much Malic acid in it to begin with.

I guess I'm wondering how long to keep it in the carboy? Typically a kit will sit six months. Also, is there anything more to be done other than wait.
The wine is perfectly clear. It is light and fruity, with just a bit of tart to it. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad thing to check the ph again sometime. Wish I'd had the MLF sorted out for this, even though there wasn't much Malic acid in it to begin with.

I guess I'm wondering how long to keep it in the carboy? Typically a kit will sit six months. Also, is there anything more to be done other than wait.
If you want to check the pH, either invite me over for Christmas cookies or send a sample home with my Brother. If you really want to do a cheap MLF, add some of the dregs from your PS, with as little liquid as possible, into that batch. It'll eat up that Malic in no time. I would agree there was very little in that bucket from the test results I saw, so I wouldn't fret about it.

I'd watch for any powdery stuff in the bottom of your carboy, I tend to wait longer now since I've had some sediment in earlier batches. I'd think six months would be great, plus it keeps you from drinking it too fast if it is in the carboy.
I'd watch for any powdery stuff in the bottom of your carboy, I tend to wait longer now since I've had some sediment in earlier batches. I'd think six months would be great, plus it keeps you from drinking it too fast if it is in the carboy.

Powdery white stuff is sufficiently gathered at the bottom of the carboy. Maybe we test before bottling. Are those wine crystals?
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I want to rack this wine. But, before I do I have a question. This wine has a very light and fruity taste... almost delicate. Is there something I should be doing to help this wine develop into something more? I know, it may be a weird question.
I want to rack this wine. But, before I do I have a question. This wine has a very light and fruity taste... almost delicate. Is there something I should be doing to help this wine develop into something more? I know, it may be a weird question.

Can you discern any of the oak that you added? Maybe it can use some more? But nothing wrong with a delicate fruity chardonnay. Some of the store bought ones are a little too much in your face with both the oak and the body.

I usually add some Opti-white to my white wine juice buckets to add a bit of mouth feel. Would have to make a like batch with and without to really see if there is a difference. It makes be feel better to add it though, and feelings are more important than reality in our world today.
I get oak but only on the margins.

As it ages that fruitiness will probably lessen and allow some more oak to come through. I know it is different, but the Eclipse DC Chard really did lose its fruitiness with time. I'm taking a 14 month old bottle to our family get together to drink and use our memory to compare what it was like last Christmas. I know my older brother, who made the same kit last Spring doesn't like it anymore now that the fruitiness has died back. I told him he just had to drink it faster!
Interesting.... I wonder what 30g of oak would add? And, what kind? The French med toast did a nice job on the Aussie chard. And, the oak I dropped so far was also Fr Med toast. I'd just go cubes instead of chips.
Interesting.... I wonder what 30g of oak would add? And, what kind? The French med toast did a nice job on the Aussie chard. And, the oak I dropped so far was also Fr Med toast. I'd just go cubes instead of chips.

I only have Am med + cubes and chips on hand. There's always Sir Scotzins. Was in there yesterday to get stuff to make a batch of beer since I have empty kegs and found out they aren't going to carry leaf hops anymore, argh. I'll have to admit they were hoppin' for 3 pm on a Wednesday.
I only have Am med + cubes and chips on hand. There's always Sir Scotzins. Was in there yesterday to get stuff to make a batch of beer since I have empty kegs and found out they aren't going to carry leaf hops anymore, argh. I'll have to admit they were hoppin' for 3 pm on a Wednesday.

I was going to make a trip this weekend and see what they have. Decided instead to drop 60 gr of French medium oak chips. I'll let it sit a few weeks and rack off the chips and diamonds.
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Since life will be getting crazy and time will be in short supply, I racked this off the residue, diamonds and oak chips. It's still a little tart, but otherwise very pleasant. Need to test the ph and see where that is. I think if the ph is right, I'm done futzing with this one.

3 more months in the carboy and then in to the bottle.
I gave this one a taste this afternoon. Light and fruity, almost delicate. Not sure what else there is to be done except bottle it.... well. And drink it, that is.

And save me a bottle!

Thinking of getting one of those buckets this fall. I did a WE SE California Chardonnay for my Mom's b-day, and the latest tastings are pretty good for a four month old wine. I can only imagine how much improved yours is at twice the age.

She's in her early 80's so I only have so much time to find the Chard that she likes the best. I've always loved the PG buckets I've purchased in the past, so I think a Chardonnay bucket is a no brainer, plus she likes oak so I can accomodate that request.
And save me a bottle!

Thinking of getting one of those buckets this fall. I did a WE SE California Chardonnay for my Mom's b-day, and the latest tastings are pretty good for a four month old wine. I can only imagine how much improved yours is at twice the age.

She's in her early 80's so I only have so much time to find the Chard that she likes the best. I've always loved the PG buckets I've purchased in the past, so I think a Chardonnay bucket is a no brainer, plus she likes oak so I can accomodate that request.

We'll bottle eventually. Of course there's a bottle or two in there for you. Your opinion would be appreciated - next time you're over, you can taste it and tell me what it's missing... maybe some dried apricot might give it a little kick.
Reviewing this old thread and thinking about fall grapes/juice.

If I did another chard bucket, I was thinking it might be a good idea to make a peach/apricot/mango fpac while they’re in season and throw it in the freezer for the fall.

Also, I wonder - should I do grapes instead of juice?
Reviewing this old thread and thinking about fall grapes/juice.

If I did another chard bucket, I was thinking it might be a good idea to make a peach/apricot/mango fpac while they’re in season and throw it in the freezer for the fall.

Also, I wonder - should I do grapes instead of juice?

For whites, I don't see the point in paying more for grapes and having to do more work. A white wine juice bucket is almost too damn easy. FWIW, I throw some dried mango and apricot in my Viognier juice buckets.