Bottle Washer Causing Plumbing Problems

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What is everyone's fav bottle washer and why. I will be installing a utility sink in the garage next to some reclaimed cabinets and a stainless steel (recycled and cheep) counter top I will be building this winter.
Keeping things in proper perspective,,,,,, the only CAUSE for a leaking joint is a joint improperly put together in the first place. This includes dissimilar metals. Even soldered joints more than 75 yrs old are still capable of withstanding normal house pressure,,,, usually regulated to 50-55 psi.
The This Stainless Steel Bottle Washer does not hammer at all compared to the old fashioned brass bottle washer setups -

The stainless steel ones actually have a valve on theirs - alot better on the pipes !!
I use a garden hose with a strong spray. I hope that arrests the hammer affect. If not, I will get an arrestor.

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