bottle sanitation

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Oct 7, 2006
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I'm ready to bottle and would like some suggestions . Should I fill sink with water and p. meta. soak bottles and then rinse with tap water or is this asking for trouble.
I like to fill the primary bucket up about 3/4 of the way and use that,
and when done put lid on and save for when done bottling and use the
bucket to clean hose and other things used to bottle wine. Some people
buy a Brute Plastic container from like Walmart and that is food grade
for when their ready to do bigger batches of wine. You'll be able to
use this as a primary bucket.
Pour a small amount of meta solution in each bottle and shake to rinse the bottles and let drip dry or just shake out rinsing is necessary as the smallamount of sulfite from the solution is notanything to be concerned about.

A Bottle Rinser Vinator 4818 and Bottle Tree 4812 are indispensable for preparing bottles and are worth every penny spent.
I can live without the rinser but the bottle tree, preferrably the big one is a definnete necessity.
K-Meta is pretty potent stuff and I couldn't afford tofill a 5 or 7 gallon bucket with it every time I bottled wine. I purchased the vinator and it was a great investment.You only make up a few ounces and give each bottle a good squirt and the solution runs back into the vinator for use in the next bottles. I don't have the tree yet, but that will come.
Two things I love are the "single blast" bottle rinser (4796) that screws on to the tap that I use when cleaning bottles -- just makes rinsing much easier, and the vinator that, as PK says, allows you to use the sanitizer multiple times when bottling.

And, I have to admit, the tree is so easy to just set the "just-vinated" bottles on, and then grab them a few minutes later to fill when bottling that, while a bear to store, is really very convenient.
I love my vinator AND my tree! I can't imagine what I did before I bought them. It's quick and easy! The combo is a great investment!
I take that vinator comment back. I thought that was the bottle
blaster. I have never seen the vinator, but know that I see it, I want
Edited by: wadewade
I concur Dave the faucet mounted bottle blaster is also another one of thosetoys worth every penny in my book. I rinse all bottles and carboys after emptying for storage and before sanitizing and can't imagine doing it any other way.
I love the vinator as well. It is one of my most important toolsIMHO.I usually make up about 3 gallons of sulfite solution. I fill my vinator and pour the rest in the kitchen sink. I put my bottles in that solution to sanitize the exterior of the bottle and then give 4-5 squirts with the vinator into the bottles and then place them on the bottle tree.

In regards to the spray devise that goes on the spigot. I have one but have never used it. I use the hand sprayer on the kitchen sink to spray up into the carboys. I have pretty good water pressure though. the spout of the sprayer fits inside the neck of my carboys. I just let the sprayer soak in the sulfite solution in the sink prior to using it.

A useful tool I have for sanitation during bottling is the spray bottle! I spray my corker down good and hit the cork guide with a small squirt after every cork.
One little lesson I learned about using the primary bucket. I was going to soak and peel labels from some bottles. I stood up enough bottles to fill the bottom of the bucket and then turned the garden hose on low into the bucket and walked away from it. A while later I heard the sound of glass hitting concrete and loooked out to see that all of the bottles had floated up and were pushing over the side. Lesson learned> fill or partially fill the standing bottles before looking away. It was a cheap lesson. None broke or chipped.
I also like the hose on my sink for the carboy.. I use the soak method for the bottles and then rinse well...