Bottle Filler Question

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Jan 21, 2010
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Hi all -

Just curious on your opinion on the following:

Is it worth the extra money to invest in the Ferrari Auto Bottle Filler rather than the wand type filler? They look pretty cool (on George's video). However I am concerned that it will be more of a hassle than it's worth.


I bought one and tried it out when I bottled my Red Mountain Cab. It worked about as good as it worked in George's video. Not so good.

It leaked after it shut off and just kept leaking......

I didn't try it out first with water (my bad)

I ripped it off and ended up just using the wand filler......

I still need to retest using water and see if its a setting or if its just faulty.

I read somewhere where George got a bad batch.
Thanks, Mike. Think I will stick with the wand for now and invest the $16 in another kit or carboy!

I on the other hand have no problems with mine. I guess it all in adjusting it. I have used mine for about a year and filles over 1,000+ bottles with no leaks

Ops Just realized I have the Boun Vino Bottle filler. I thought you were talking about this.
I was going to say thats not the same thing!

So I played with mine again on Saturday, this time with water. Did some tweaking with the valve on top. It seemed to work OK after the first fill and stopped leaking when I shut it off. I filled about 6 bottles with water from a Primary. So I thought great, all the kinks are worked out.

Got my Walla Walla Caberlot filtered and into the primary with the hose and the Ferrari Auto Bottle Filler attached and ready to go.........

Good thing I had a secondary catch pan, that silly thing leaked like a sieve. Even after I shut it off it just keep draining out of the tip little by little. I had almost an inch of wine in the bucket when I was done.......

I don't know what to do now but I was NOT impressed once again.

It seemed to work OK with water and I find it hard to believe I would need a different setting for water vs wine since the SG is pretty close to each other.

I may call George.
Well...That settles it. I'm definitely sticking with the wand for now.


The Boun Vino works great for me but Im also using a vacuum pump instead of just gravity.
Pete, unless you are a highvolume producer the wand will work fine. It is easy to use.

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