Blueberry Wine

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Senior Member
Dec 12, 2007
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What is a good starting SG for blueberry wine?? And any other help you all have.
Goodfella said:

I would suggest a nice f-pack down the road also....

YES I agree.

<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">F-PAC <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">How to make a F-PAC[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">=[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Flavor Pac[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/B]
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/B]
Add 20-30% of #’s of fruit what was used in the primary <I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">(if you used 30# in recipe then you will need 6-9# more for the f-pac) [/I]in a large frying pan or pot. Simmer to extract all "flavor" and reduce the water from the fruit. Strain thru a kitchen strainer and add AFTER you rack and after the wine is DRY ( .990) You MUST have added k-meta and Sorbate before adding the f-pac. Once adding the f-pac you can add clearing agent. You will have to rack at least 2+ more times. Then
back sweeten to YOUR taste using simple syrup.


Home of the
DELANCO VINEYARDS<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">[/B]
hannabarn said:
LOL!!!! Tepe, has anyone ever asked you how to make an F-Pack?

NO! this is the 1st time...

Good idea Tom, I cant count how many times Ive had to type all that out but then again I cant count period! Hehehe. Blueberry, if using enough fruit can be in any general gravity from a light wine to a nice heavy Port as it has enough flavor to hide many gravities.
wade said:
Good idea Tom, I cant count how many times Ive had to type all that out but then again I cant count period! Hehehe. Blueberry, if using enough fruit can be in any general gravity from a light wine to a nice heavy Port as it has enough flavor to hide many gravities.

Just like no one ever asked me what a f-pac is! I had tosave it inword for this reason.
So who's asking how to make an F-pack?? I was just asking what a good SG would be to start at.
I just added oak chips to my blueberry 3 gallon better bottle. Am I supposed to stir it to mix the chips in and extract the flavor, or just let is sit still for two months? If I stir, how often?
Just add they will slowly drop. No need to stir. How much oak did you add and was it toasted? this will tell us better how long. Do you like a oak taste?
I pulled off about a cup of wine and mixed the 1/4 tsp K-meta with it, and poured it into the carboy, then tossed in 1 Tbsp of med toast french oak chips. I like the cinnamon and vanilla that oak gives. Then I racked the three little one-gallon carbabies into the big one.

Was that about the right amount of oak?This is a fruity dry red right now, and I plan to bottle one to one-and-a-half gallon
dry. Maybe after the F-Pac, maybe before. It seems a little weak, but merlow/chianti light, not defective thin. BEAUTIFUL cranberry Christmas red! This month I am on a big red kick, so the lighter wines don't seem right. I will have time to get over this latest fad before the blueberry is oaked and ready to bottle. I do plan to sweeten about half of the batch after the F-Pac. (I have several friends who like to pour sweet wine over ice as a wine cooler.)
ok, so is blueberry wine acidic? i tried to check it with my tester but it is very hard to see it change and i did a 50/50 to lighten it up. i didn't put any acid blend in its been fermenting since early sunday morning. do i need to add any and is it to last?
Its fairly low to medium in acid usually requiring about 1 tsp per gallon depending on how much fruit you use per gallon.
I steamed off 16 lbs of berries got 5 qts added water to 3 gallons. So can I still add it?
Hi Wade.. My batch of blueberry ( at least the one bottle I opened several months ago) had a great aroma but have a definite 'cloves' aftertaste. Enough to ruin the flavor.Have you ever run acrossthis before? I fermented the wine in July or August last year, so I am hopeful that age will take care of it, or maybe it's just the one bottle ( and not the 28 other ones). Thanks, Jim
Did you;
Add wine condidioner
Back sweeten (how)
Added f-pac
Clove taste from Blueberry, cant say I have ever tasted that with the exception of when I actually added it and I dont do so anymore cause Im not hugely fond of it and they are very strong and can over power very easily!