Blueberry Started Too!

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Feb 22, 2008
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With all the blueberry talk I picked some and started my batch this week..Here are the pictures of the berrys on the hoof! I picked 4 gallons in less than 2 hours! The wine is fermenting and smells GREAT!
Where do you live to have such tall luscious blueberries????

Are they wild or in your garden????
This a u-pick farm in Cleveland Texas. 40 miles north of Houston. I can't stand it I am going back and get some to freeze tommrow. $6.00 a gallon!
I live just north of Houston In New Caney... I have a friend who has muscadine grapes that no one uses,and NEEDS me to pick them...If you are interested I will see how many they have?!
Her Royal Highness, the PWP would like to express her extreme jealousy! Good for you! But I am still jealous!
I was reading some of the other blueberry posts here...I used all 4 gallons of berrys crushed and filled primary to 6 gallons. Started at 1.085 and it fermented a few days then stopped..I made a new yaest starter and things seem to moving again. My question is when should I rack to the carboy? Recipie said 1.000..but will it hurt to move early? Is it better to wait and give it more O2 to work with?>
I don't remember if you said if you used yeast nutrient or not. Alos yeast energizer will help sometimes to feed the yeast and keep things moving.That's a lot of blueberries for a batch! Should have a lot of flavor!
Hey Hey,

I just racked my for the second time. Mine fermented from 1.080 to .996'ish. Mine is coming along nicely. Good luck with yours.
You should have nutrient and energizer in there and I like to rack at 1.020 to give it an extra O2 boost and help finish fermentation.
During primary fermentation, yeast uses 02 for it's work. Racking the wine will add a bit back in and help the wine finish up with a cleaner fermentation. If the yeast nutrient alone doesn't get it going well, the energizer helps feed the yeasties during their work.
Oxygen is what helps yeast cells multiply and strive and the nutrients in nutrient and energizers are what help yeast cells thrive. Every time a yeast cell multiplies it splits itself in half which makes it weaker and more prone to cellular breakdown. These nutrients are needed for yeast cells to stay strong just as vitamins and minerals help are body to stay strong. Nutrient should be used at the rate of 1 tsp per gallon and energizer should be used at the rate of 1/2 tsp per gallon. You can get away with just nutrients alone most of the time but i dot like to take the chance when making a fruit wine, grapes have more of these nutrients already in them then most other fruits.
Edited by: wade
I am looking at the recipe for blueberry wine. it is for 1 gal i guess you x everything by 6 except the yeast ?. it calls for 1 packet of wine yeast
Correct. 1 packet of yeast is good for up to 6 gallons. Beyond that I would add another packet.
Thanks Wade. How about the nutrient and the entergizer times 6 would be 3 tsp entergizer and 6 tsp nutrient and 3 pts grape concentrate. this sound right? of course the concentrate would go in later. Thanks Ron
Yes all that is right and I would put the concentrate in during thr beginning also like NW says. Concentrate goes in front, conditioner gos in back.
Thank you NW. My first country wine. My wife and my two grand children went and picked 20 lbs of blue berrys and 21 lbs black berrys so here we go. need help, having fun. going to start both next week end.
For making Blackberry wine the best yeast to use is Lalvin 71B as it will eat alot of the malic acid that Blackberries are high in.
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<td width="5%"><div align="center">
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71B-1122 5 grams

Used for country (fruit) wines from concentrates. Works well for rose' and sweet white wines. Alcohol levels up to 18%.</td></tr></t></table>