Blending yeasts post fermentation

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Still waiting.........
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Sep 12, 2018
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I have five buckets with 4.8 gallons each of Cab and Merlot in primary. In two buckets I used BM 4x4, another two 71B and the last one RC 212. I am especially interested in tasting the BM 4x4 by itself. I can manage that because I have plenty to rack into one carboy. I intentionally purchased 24 gallons of juice thinking by the time it comes to racking into the carboys, the volume would most likely fill four 5 gallon carboys up to the bung. As you all know, a five or six gallon carboy holds more than 5-6 gallons. What should I expect when I blend any combination of 4x4, 71B and RC 212 that is completely fermented out. I’ve mixed bottles of wine with no I’ll effects. I’m thinking it should be pretty much the same. Thoughts?
I have been blending batches of the same wine with different yeasts for years and the blend is usually better. My only caution would be to let the blend rest a few weeks before bottling to ensure there were no adverse reactions. I didn't rest one blend and there must have been some residual sugar, which one of the yeasts got to work on. I ended up with a gewürztraminer frizzante, which wasn't my intention
I have been blending batches of the same wine with different yeasts for years and the blend is usually better. My only caution would be to let the blend rest a few weeks before bottling to ensure there were no adverse reactions. I didn't rest one blend and there must have been some residual sugar, which one of the yeasts got to work on. I ended up with a gewürztraminer frizzante, which wasn't my intention
It sounds like you're bulk aging, then blending. How long do you typically age before blending?
It sounds like you're bulk aging, then blending. How long do you typically age before blending?
I let the wine clear with a monthly racking, I blend, then monitor for any activity. Once I deem it stable I filter and bottle. Usually in the bottle by 3-4 months