Blackberry racked/ stabilized

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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Couldn't see any action (stopped bubbling) so I went ahead and racked my blackberry wine today, added a Campden (or most of one) and Potassium Sorbate and stirred rapidly, releasing quite a lot of CO2.
Oh, SG has been stable over 3 days at 0.992
I'll let it sit for a while and rack one more time.

Will taste and test acid level at that time and sweeten if necessary.
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Dave, sounds like you are well on your way to a great wine. At SG 0.992, it should be really dry. How do you plan to sweeten it? You can of course use simple syrup or you might try a can of blackberry puree, available from most supply houses. It will give you a richer taste that just adding sugar.
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Hi Rock,

I like the idea of adding the blackberry puree or something similar rather than invert sugar. I was even considering some frozen grape concentrate, a little at a time to taste.
I figure this batch is roughly 13% alcohol ... it shocked me how fast it all happened. Probably because I put the primary in the hot water heater closet which kept the liquid at 80*F.

Fastest is not always best, I realize ... just the way it happened.
I can see how slowing the primary process down a little could render more flavor from the fruit or berries.

I'll let it sit for a while and think about what to add to sweeten.
Don't have a brew store nearby so I'll likely go with something from the grocery store.
We may even have some canned blackberries and the syrup from those might be just the ticket.
Hi Dave,

Another thing you could do, maybe not with this blackberry but add oak. Blackberry takes oak very well.
I'd like to try that Julie.
If I had any handy I'd throw some in while it ages.
I'll remember to get some next time I pick something up from the online store.

Right now I'm just going to bulk age (1 gal + 1 liter), can I toss some oak in at any time?

Update ,,,

Moving along at a snail's pace as far as wine making goes ...
... just wanted to give an update on my first and only (so far) gallon of blackberry.

Today I racked once more (third rack) and the blackberry wine is looking really good.
It cleared up well and there was a very fine sediment on the bottom of the bottle that I racked from. A small taste indicates that it's improving already. Don't think I'll back sweeten this one but may still add some oak chips between now and the time I bottle it.
It's tough not to just drink it now but I think I'll save it for next X-mas.

Can't afford to get a kit right now but will dig some raspberries out of the freezer to see how much I can make from those. (most likely a couple of gallons)