RJ Spagnols Blackberry Merlot Breeze

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Jul 26, 2010
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I just purchased the Orchard Breeze Blackberry Merlot. I have never made an Orchard Breeze. Wife wanted me to make it for a party. We are both big red drinkers and not a real sweet drinker. However with that said this one sounded interesting to me with the combination. I think I will enjoy it for an easy dessert drink.

Curious if any one has done some modifications they liked to this kit? May not be worth it since its sweet.

Also curious if you enjoyed it.
If your a big red drinker and dont like sweet wines then you are probably not going to like this one at all but you did say it was going to be for a party so as a sipper for that it will be great if a lot of the guests lean towards the fruity, off dry wine. For us who like off dry wines this one is really great.
you can turn this into a little better wine by boosting up the abv...there is know real reason you can"t tweek your kit a little to bring out a more rounded product,I know what kit mfg. say about making no adjustments to their product,but If you have made kits and fresh juice in the past you'll come to understand,other than sanatation,in all ti's fassets,there are no limits as to what you can safely try........I have done many of these kits and have found they have limitations ,based on that you can change the taste ,abv and texture on any kit ,but it takes the willingness to try.....................
and if there's a bottle or two left over, it makes a GREAT wine jelly.

I bump the abv on all these kits up with an additional 3 lbs of sugar right in the very beginning but others add 1/2 the fpac and some sugar. When its done dont just dump the fpac in but taste as your adding cause some of these can be very sweet so add some and taste and if needed add some more and taste again.
right on wade,knowing the ins and outs an the how too,s is very cool..
Thanks for the info. I added 2lbs of sugar and bumped the abv to 9% potential. Thanks about adding the f pac to taste. Since I never dealt with one of these I probably would have added it all then complained later.
Yeah, some are nice and balanced while some are sickly sweet and cloying.
This wine, because it is lite, will taste great when poured directly over ice. Because of the blackberry flavor, you will need it to be reasonably sweet, in order to enjoy the flavor.

Think of the O.B. kits as glorified wine coolers, except made with lite wine instead of beer. I am not a big fan of sweet wines ether, but these mist kits are enjoyable and a great party pleaser.

Bumping the ABV is something I do with all my O.B. kits. I go for about 10% ABV. Experiment as you must with the flavor pack, but this kit likely will need all the flavor and sweetness provided in the flavor pack. By withholding some of the flavor pack (in order to withhold sweetness), you will also be withholding some of the blackberry flavor, which is not that rich, anyway.

I just tried a breezin raspberry white zin added half the f-pack at the start.My wife does not like big red or white like I do,but she loved this as every non wine drinker that has tried it.

hope it turns out well
I finished making this kit. I only added about 3/4 of the blackberry because I added it to taste. If you plan to make an OB I would recommend this one.