WineXpert Binge making!!!

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Binge? What's that. I got some wine making equipment for Christmas. So far I've bottled 54 gallons! I love it

Pinot Gris 6 gal
Strawberry white merlot. 6 gal
Raspberry peach sangria. 6 gal
Dragon blood. 12 gal
Eclipse Cab Sov. 6 gal
Skeeter pee. 6 gal
Malbec/Shiraz. 6 gal
Welch's white. 6 gal

Bottled. 54 gal

In carboys

Malbec. 6 gal
Orange chocolate 1 gal

7 gal


Cherry lime db. 6 gal

Next up
Trinity white
Welch's Concord
Skeeter pee

I have the trinity white and a selection international amarone on the shelf waiting to go. I plan on doing a dragon blood variant marathon for the upcoming contest. Hope one of them is "excellent". We'll see. I don't plan on winning the contest but ill sure try. So far I think the skeeter pee or dragon blood has been the most popular. I like the red kits I've done so far too.

where do you find the time? is bottled...Pinot is clearing...primary empty...haven't bought that white yet :(
Evenings. Usually after the kids go to bed. 1 hour to start a batch. 10 min a day to stir and check sg and squeeze fruit bag. Another hour for each racking + another if I'm degassing. 2 hours to bottle. If say 5-10 hours per batch?

At this rate ill get about 100 gallons this year. How do the people that make 200 a year find the time?
Oh yeah I've been to skeeter pee .com. I believe he posts on here as Minnesota maker?