Bert's Been Busy!

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They look so pretty, all dressed up with their name tags...sweet!!!

You two have done a great job...what gets bottled next?????

Bert's going to have to build more racks by the looks of that bunch of beauties!!!
A fine collection of wines and guns. God Bless America.
We have ALL sizes there. The smallest ones are overflow from larger ones &will eventually be recombined with their mates.
All those guns next to the wine --- Is that a message to all potential wine thiefs? Don't mess with our stuff!

Bert -Is that one on the left an old Ithaca pump? You don't see those too often anymore. They were a sweet gun.
The one on the far left is mine. It's a Remington .22. Ain't she a beauty?!
In fact, the one on the right is mine too!

The guns are what we let the boys who came a callin' for our girls know we had.
But now that the girls are married, I think your answer works well! Thanks!Edited by: PolishWineP
PWP may give me a bad time about all my guns, but about half of those on that rack are hers.....The scary part, she knows how to use them too.....
Bert, you'll appreciate the fact that when my two kids were toddlers, a bunch of S&W trigger locks -- looks like those you have in the picture -- showed up in my stocking from Santa one Christmas. On oneof my transfers, the keys went missing... for three years! I tried gunsmiths and even the S&W factory, but no luck on gettingduplicate keys -- so I got them drilled out (ouch!).

You guessed it: when we moved back to Montana, unpacking, all the keys (allon one ring!) mysteriouslyshowed up! It renewed my belief in the power of prayer -- you just may not get your prayers answered when YOU want them, and also reaffirmed my belief that God has a sense of humor!
The pink rabbit is a joke between PWP and the Leinie Princess....Thanks for the complement on the wine rack, I hope to bottle today to work towards filling it up....I feel I need one more rack to go with the other racks....One that will hold individnal bottles to clear the shelves of what is left of a batch of wine and make room for a whole batch....I hate mixing the batches, the one you want is always on the bottom.
Don't tell me therabbit has died ?
Oh by the way where are you taking the Princess next weekend ?Edited by: Angell Wine
The rabbit is just fine as far as I know...
It might be kind of a stay close the home weekend...She's gone to the Twin Cities this weekend and will be going again in two weeks..