Berry Time

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Jan 8, 2010
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I weighed all my fresh fruit ( 7 lbs. Mullberry, 22 lbs. Blackberries). Will steam juice the lot, see what I've got and come up with a recipe to wet my whistle with in about a year. Berries everywhere.
Cajun Wine Man said:
I weighed all my fresh fruit ( 7 lbs. Mullberry, 22 lbs. Blackberries). Will steam juice the lot, see what I've got and come up with a recipe to wet my whistle with in about a year. Berries everywhere.

Amen Cajun Wine Man.............
runningwolf said:
22#'s of blackberries. Wow your hands and arms must be torn up!

Wear latex gloves, and you will be surprised at the protection they provide you when picking those suckers. Long sleeves help too, but lawd it gets hot down here in Louisiana........
Nah..dont need gloves, I just ..ahh...OUCH..well maybe a pair of .. Nah.. I'am tough..LOL
Seriously, the Kiowas are making about 1/2 gal freezer bag a day. The Apache are about 2 weeks away.
Mine have not started ripening yet. Maybe in another week or so I am hoping. They are really loaded though
Hey guys,
I'm new here but been tinkering with the winemaking for a year.. Look like you all have berry bushes and it got me wondering.. How many blackberry bushes does it take to make 6-12 gal of wine each year?? I'm debating on planting my own. Last year I did 3gal of blueberry with 20#. But, I figure I'd do more if I had my own supply.
Thanks, sorry if I sidetracked the thread..
A Google search on this stated that a bush will yield between 7 & 10 lbs each and most recipes state around 6-7 lbs per gallon but an all juice batch would be truly awesome most likely especially if making a port. I guess it depends on how you like your wine as some people dont like their flavor that strong and bold and some do.
wade said:
an all juice batch would be truly awesome most likely especially if making a port. I guess it depends on how you like your wine as some people dont like their flavor that strong and bold and some do.

That was my thought too, especially when Itook the "personal berry patch" idea into the equation... I'll have to experiment with the port some, I'm reall interested in how this recipe turns out..

BTW, sorry, but I was originally refering to blackberries. I just had blueberry on the mind for some reason.. I'm thinking the answer is probably close though..
I have been picking Kiowa blackberries through May ( 15 lbs and counting). Today I picked the first Apache.

Kiowas on left, Apache on right.I find the Apache to be a little sweeter, not as tart. Should make good wine.

My wife and I got 32.25 lbs of wild dewberries this year (lower Alabama). I will divide in half for two @3 gal batches. A little over 5 lbs per gal. Have 1 batch in secondary and looking good. Left to Right - White Grape w/ citrus, Strawberry, and Dewberry.

Also getting some HellifIknow plums

Thos hellifiknow plums wil make a hellifa good wine I bet

</font>I will not know this year as it is the first year that tree has put on fruit. We are consuming mass quantities of fruit right now. Not a bad thing though. Waldo, we are excited to see this fruit, as it's been planted for ten years now . I live next to a farm field and have wondered if that had anything to do with it not bearing (pesticides, etc.). Every spring it buds and flower nicely, but the fruit falls off. The plums haven't been sprayed this year, but don't have a spot on them. hmmmm..........

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