This is the same LHBS that advised your friend that sulfites ruined his wine?
Greg, no as a matter of fact, this is a LHBS that is over an hr away.
I guess i'll have to make some clarification on my, I have two that I am converting to making wine a bit better than that have been, I have them started on kits, then we can move back to juice pails and/or grapes.
The one buddy, lets call him Mr. D, he is the friend who had been making wine for over 20 years, the old fashioned way, juice in the carboy, ferment and leave for a few years in the garage, with mice and temps that fluctuated from -10 in the winter to 130 in the summer..... he is the buddy who has all of the carboy issues, 5 or 6 kits going as we speak.
The other buddy, I'll call him Mr. S, had 45 gallons of wine spoil on him due to getting a lot of bad advice initially, and no info when he needed it, this is the buddy who was told that the addition of meta was the cause of his wine
The best part, I was telling him about the All in one pump and how much I use it and all the neat things you can do, including filtering your wine...he stops me and says.."but the LHBS owner (the same bung hole that told him about the meta being the problem) that if you filter your wine, it will remove all of the taste and color....
I almost fell to the floor laughing, this guy is a major source for misinformation....