WineXpert Batch of Pinot Noir

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Jan 1, 2009
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Just started our second batch of wine after bottling the Borolo. Has anyone made the Pinot before?
Have a batch going now. just racked it for the 3rd time. it's now 2 months old. " I only work on my wines on full moons. " It's my little thing.

but I always know when it's wine working time.

any how, yes, I didn't follow the quick kit instructions for 14 day bottling, I am aging this another month or two before bottling.

I had two glasses this evening while racking,

all I can say is WOW.

this is a great kit/batch
Thats pretty interesting zember! Do you howl while doing so?
Hey Zember, do you grow hair and howl during the full moon wine process?
It's just a cool little thing I decided to set myself against with the timing of working with the wines.

Figured when I start labeling them, it will be called " Full moon "

just a little of my old enjoyment for the spirits ;-)

and an interesting conversation ;-)

But I always know when it's time to rack some grapes.

I only howl when I drop the SG meter on the hard floors or when I pinch my fingers against the carboys and sink while trying to rinse them.

come to think of it though, I always do need a shave after a full moon. Guess I should shave more then once a month though

Just doing my part in this economy by saving my money any way i can.
razors are expensive ya know
I hope by Full Moon you actually mean Moon cause i dont want to see any bare a$$ bottles!
wade said:
I hope by Full Moon you actually mean Moon cause i dont want to see any bare a$$ bottles!

Oh where is my label making software ! It's early morning and I am just goofy enough today
wade said:
I hope by Full Moon you actually mean Moon cause i dont want to see any bare a$$ bottles!

Now wait a minute... That depends on who/what the full moon is attached to...

Lets see a label 1st !
BTW As you know I also make beer. The name I use on my label is.... Moon River Brewery ... LOL
Now you can put your own picture to that...

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