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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Ok i know this has prolly been asked but here goes. Also, i know the most common answer is "to taste" but i need a starting point. I dont like a very sweet wine, Riesling is about as sweet as i go. how much syrup per gallon should i be looking at when sweetening a wine. my grape wines i will prolly keep dry but some of the fruit wines i make i wanna sweeten to bring out the fruits flavor. any tips are welcome
My reds are only sweetened to .995-.998
Whites around 1.000 to slightly higher.

The best is to back sweeten a cup or two with 4-6 ounces of inverted sugar. Then mix up in a beaker a sample to taste. Adjust from there.

When you find what you like take a hydrometer reading then calculate what you need from there.

Check our tutorial section on our home page for tips.
ok made a simple syrup and added to my side batch. sg was 1.006. made the grapefruit stand out and tasted pretty good. when i bottle i think im gonna try and get a lil closer to 1.000. found out it doesnt take much.