Back Sweetening

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New Kid

Mar 12, 2009
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I have two batches that I would like to sweeten. Batch #1 is a blush Zinfandel. It has already been cleared, but sorbate and conditioner have not yet been added. I normally filter. So I have Sorbate and maybe conditioner to add and filtering. When do I add the syrup in this process? I have read the blogs and am now hesitant to add the kit's conditioner and would like advice on that as well. So....

1. When to add syrup
2. When to filter
3. Conditioner or not?
Batch #2 is a Lambrusco. It too has already had the clearing agents added. Same questions:
1. When to add the syrup
2. When to conditioner in this kit.
You need to add the sorbate before adding any sweetener and make sure you have enough SO2[ k-meta]in your wine....sorbate and SO2 work togather to keep it from starting to ferment again....the same for the conditioner, after the sorbate...if the conditioner came with the kit I would add it....leave it for a few days and check for refermentation, than filter and bottle.....good luck

ps. check after sweeting that your wine is still clear
Thanks, I have learned on the blogs that sweetening can cloud the wine. So I am preparing to wait post sweetener. The k-meta packet was already added and I will add the sorbate packets prior to sweetening. Should I add extra k-meta and sorbate for insurance because I am back sweetening?
The sorbate packs that come with the kits should be enough, but if it has been more than 4 to 6 weeks after you have added the K-meta packs I would add more 1/4 tsp k-meta or 3 to 4 campden tabs......What kind of filter will you be useing??
New Kid said:
I have two batches that I would like to sweeten. Batch #1 is a blush Zinfandel. It has already been cleared, but sorbate and conditioner have not yet been added. I normally filter. So I have Sorbate and maybe conditioner to add and filtering. When do I add the syrup in this process? I have read the blogs and am now hesitant to add the kit's conditioner and would like advice on that as well. So....

1. When to add syrup
2. When to filter
3. Conditioner or not?
Batch #2 is a Lambrusco. It too has already had the clearing agents added. Same questions:
1. When to add the syrup
2. When to conditioner in this kit.
You must add the k-meta then sorbate before any backsweetening. Once added you can then backsweeten w/ simple syrup a 2-1 mix. Clairifier after you degass and backsweeten. The condidtioner you have is that a f-pac (come in a bag)?
batch 2
Same as #1, filter after the wine is clear and just berore bottling.
I use the vinbrite also [don't filter much] ,but when useing it I worry about oxidation of the wine...If it has been a while since I have added K-Meta [more than 2 weeks], I will add more...more time more K-meta [just what I do]...Good Luck..I'm sure they will be great wines..