Back Sweetening with Juice

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Feb 12, 2012
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Is there a down side to back sweetening with a mixture of 2 parts sugar, 1 part grape juice rather than water? Would this not add some flavor rather than just diluting the wine with water?

My wine is a muscadine wine made with Jack Keller's recipe.

  • [*]18 lbs ripe Muscadine Grapes
    [*]6-3/4 lbs granulated sugar
    [*]9 qts water
    [*]1 tsp pectic enzyme
    [*]1 tsp yeast nutrient
    [*]1/4 tsp Pot Med
  • 1 packet Montrachet wine yeast
I think doing that is a great idea. The other thing you could do is warm a bit of wine up in the microwave and dissolve your sugar in that, then pour back into your carboy.
thats an excellent idea runningwolf. Was gonna do it the old way of doing sugar water. thanks!
Is there a down side to back sweetening with a mixture of 2 parts sugar, 1 part grape juice rather than water? Would this not add some flavor rather than just diluting the wine with water?

My wine is a muscadine wine made with Jack Keller's recipe.

  • [*]18 lbs ripe Muscadine Grapes
    [*]6-3/4 lbs granulated sugar
    [*]9 qts water
    [*]1 tsp pectic enzyme
    [*]1 tsp yeast nutrient
    [*]1/4 tsp Pot Med
  • 1 packet Montrachet wine yeast

Is that ingredient "Medicinal Pot?" Is this a brownie recipe, or wine? Just saying.
Out of curiosity, how much acid adjustment did you have to do with your muscadines?
And do you know what type of muscadines these were?