back sweetening with honey

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Michigan Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Just wondering if adding honey to a dry wine will sweeten the wine or give it a mead type flavor. I made 5 gallons of mixed berry grocery getter wine(grocery store concentrate) turned out good and dry. Split into one gallon jugs for aging. So to my real question if I split a gallon and add honey will it take on a mead style or just sweeten it. Recipe books say delete honey with 1/2 gallon of hot water for making one gallon of mead. Will this turn out or just mess up a gallon of dry wine
I would just remove enough wine from one carboy to add honey to taste. Don't use any water, as it will dilute your ABV.
The recipe above is if you were going to put that mix into a must to ferment into mead.
Your wine is done and you just want to use honey instead of sugar to backsweeten.
Check SG at the point you find tastes good to you and then add honey to the rest of the wine in carboy until it reaches the same SG.

I just made my first batch of mead/melomel and plan to backsweeten with honey as well. I think the honey will blend with your wine and may add a honey taste to it.
I think that the honey will give the berry wine a great flavor!! It will give it a bit more body and mouth feel as well
thanks everyone i took a gallon of this wine put half in another gallon jug and heated water with 80 oz of honey just enough water to not scorch the honey and make it fluid. it tasted very nice and had good body now if i can let it age for a while before trying it again i thing i am going to be happy happy happy
Are you saying you put 5 pounds of honey, a little water, and some wine all together to make 1 gallon of wine?
Yes and it has that mead flavor like the mead I drank last weekend. One of the two gallons I restarted the fermentation with a little yeast and nutrient. Hopefully drying it a bit the other leaving sweet.