Availability of yeast

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Aug 13, 2011
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I was just wondering what a person would do if no yeast were comercially available. Is there some way to keep a culture of yeast alive from one batch to another, kind of like you can do with bread yeast where (I've been told) you can save part of the dough and freeze it for your next batch. I guess you could take a sample during primary fermentation, freeze it, and then use it to start fermentation in another batch at a later time. Maybe this just isn't a workable idea, but I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to work with a 'starter' yeast from wine batch to wine batch?
Master Yeast Culturing Kit
Product Number: Y1060
Product Description
Ready to develop your own yeast bank? Collect, store, and grow yeast cultures at home. Begin saving limited release yeast cultures from brewer's yeast suppliers or collect strains from unfiltered, unpasteurized commercial beers! This kit includes more equipment than the Apprentice kit but still won't break the bank. It includes: First Steps in Yeast Culture book, 50 ml flask, #2 solid stopper, alcohol lamp, ni-chrome innoculation needle, 1 ml pipette, 5 ml pipette, 20 ml pipette, 8 slant tubes, slant tube rack (holds 40 slant tubes), 1 lb. dry malt extract, 8 pre-filled malt-agar medium plates, and a wax pencil. Recommended additional items: Liquid yeast culture, agar for creating slant tubes (check your local asian or specialty food markets), yeast starter kit, pressure cooker for sterilizing equipment. Not required, but recommended additional equipment: Magnetic Stir Plate, Micro Torc
at brewing thechniques look up Yeast Culturing Practices for Small-Scale Brewers
they have a step by step tutorial.

sorry i can't put in links yet
You should be able to get wine yeast from a mail order supplier or from Ebay.
A packet of yeast is only about $1.00 or less so you can get several and keep the unopened packets in the refrigerator.