apple wine with oak chips

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Jan 23, 2013
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Alberta, Canada
I just added oak chips into my semi clear wine just tossed em in. wine has a brown tinge to it which im guessing is normal but can I add a fining agent while the oak chips are in the carboy was thinking of using bentonite or sparkalloid if anyone can give any suggestions that would be great!
I add oak chips to 5-10 gals. of my Apple Wine each year, I usually make 15 gals. per year. The oak helps a 18 mo. old Apple Wine taste like an oaky Chardonnay. I don't use clearing agents, but I leave the wine in carboys for 12-18 months. I have 15 gals. that's 17 months old that needs to be bottled. It has a light golden/honey color. Roy
I clear my wines first with sparkolloid, rack, sulfite and add oak to bulk age 6-12 months.

If its fairly clear now age it and it should settle.
I usually rack off the chips, degas and add bentonite. Then filter but this is after 15 -18 months in glass.
Applewineguy said:
Would it affect it to add bentonite while the oak chips are in there?

The bentonite will inhibit the oak. At this point, if the wine is clear, don't bother with the bentonite.