Apple wine bubbly on tongue

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Nov 26, 2011
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Started the apple wine on 10/9/12, last rack 2/13/13,. Tastes super, clear, just has an effervescence to it but seems to leave the toungue tingleing? Should I bottle or do something else?
That tongue-tingling is CO2 within the wine.. It needs degassed

Have you kept up on your SO2?

Did you use any fresh apples to make the wine?
Slim chance it could be MLF, but otherwise it just needs degassed more

Would need more information on the batch to really diagnose what could be going on

But that tingling is definitely CO2 within the wine
as deezil said...did you ever degass it. as I have been is a crucial element of wine making to get that co2 out...either mechanically, are naturally...*bulk aging).
The wine has been bulk aging since 12/12. It was made from fresh pressed apples. The last time I added K meta was 3/1/13.