Anyone Growing Marquette Grapes?

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you are the man :r
You bet I'll be looking for the article.
My vines are ordered (8 Marquette) with plans to expand every year until the misses says enough. I am focusing now on a trellis system. I know I could actually wait and construct my trellis system next summer, given your response, I may do that in order for you to get a bit further along in your testing. I'm just excited and impatient. not a good trait for a wine maker. LOL

Seriously, thank you for your advice.
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Like I said before, plant the vines and put your posts in now. Then you can add one or even two wires to get the vine started. The top wire is the only one that would need to be put in differently depending on the training system chosen.
I got my trellis system up today
vine should be here soon. This warm weather were having has me anxious to get them in the ground.


Hard Frost Tonight - Question

It's supposed to get down to the teens tonight. Due to the very warm weather for the last couple of weeks, the vines have buds.

The Marquette vines have buds but no bud break. As this is a cold weather variety and no bud break yet, do I need to do anything? Should I cover the plants or not worry about it?

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Good luck with the little vineyard Duster.
Bob they should be alright if they haven't opened yet. It is COLD outside today. Our power went off at 4AM due to high winds snapping a pole on the next street over (a mile away). The sky was lighting up like lightning as the wires crossed dozens of times and would arc every time. Finally after 20 minutes of that the power went out. They just got it back on-7 hours later. It is 20 degrees outside with a steady 40 mph wind. The funniest thing was when I drove by about an hour ago they had 9 trucks total with 2 being cherrie pickers and even a backhoe along with about 30 men, all but two standing around or leaning on something watching the 2 do the work.
Thanks, Rich. I'll be double-checking the buds this afternoon, but I don't think any have opened. Will save 32 trash bags if they haven't.

That's one hell of a wind chill up your way. We are finally getting over 30 right now, with a strong wind. The electric light show you had must have been "entertaining" to say the least!

I know what you're talking about re the utility workers. Don't get me started on that subject...:D

Very glad to find this thread! I'm in the early stages of planning a small vineyard in coastal CT, and Marquette is looking like a good choice. I'm sure to have questions once I've reviewed all the posts.
Welcome to the Marquette thread, Trieste. Loads of excellent information here and very helpful members to answer your questions.

My wife and I stayed a couple of times at a friend's townhouse in Mystic, a couple of doors down from the bridge on the river. We had a great time.

Bob, I'm not far from there at all - 1/2 mile from the bridge. Let me know if you're down this way again. Ordered my vines from NE vine supply today. Lots of work ahead. Anyone have advice about keeping deer away?
Considered it. Neighbors complain about the holes in their garage.

I live in a rural area with lots of deer. They didn't bother the vines at all last summer. But, I'll be putting deer netting over the rows next year when I expect to have my first crop of grapes.

First crop of grapes on Marquette can look like this with a bit of good luck.
"First crop of grapes on Marquette can look like this with a bit of good luck."

A "bit of good luck" and a lot of expertise on your part, Rich. :sm

I hope to see something similar next year with my first crop. I'll need a
lot of luck and a lot more expertise.

Nice crop, Rich! I'm plowing and liming this weekend (current pH 5.1). I'm gonna go ahead and put in a few test vines this year, rather than wait.