Another Newbie from Montana

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Senior Member
Feb 3, 2006
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Hello to everyone! I have been lurking in the background for the last couple of weeks and I have learned a lot from all the posts. Thank you for all the great information. I’m starting my first kit this weekend, a Selection Merlot. I hope I do better at making wine than I did at helping my parents…. Well I thought I was helping
all the lids on the gallon jugs were loose so I tightened them down as tight as a three year old could. I still remember the wine dripping from the ceiling of our living room
Welcome BMW

Glad to have you aboard as a member (#350...woo hoo) and not just a lurker. When people like you join up I know we are doing a good job with providing info and help.

Good Job Gang!!!!

It's good to log on and see another winemaker we can learn from as well!!!!!!!

Welcome Neighbor!

We've just finished step one in our first kit too! And then went to watch Loyola Sacred Heart beat Deer Lodge in basketball!
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome and all the great posts. I really like the pictorials, you all do a great job
And a nother smart one joins the ranks. Welcome but be ware the wine makers addiction. one primary fermenter is not enought and 1 carboy is not enough they get loney and need brothers sisters and even 5 gal cousins. The more the merrier. The only issue where to i age all this wine. What a good problem to have. see it just feeds it self but is a very very great hobby.