Another major wine injury!

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Nov 12, 2005
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This I needed to share this with you all. Some of you may remember a profession winemaker in his own right Mr Al Fulchino had a carboy of his prized wine break, costing him many bucks. If I remember right he was spared major injury.
Well folks it has happened again.................
This winemaker has experienced the same, only it was a 6 gallon carboy of average wine. I vacuum racked to carboy and brought it over the twenty five feet to it's resting place. As I set it on the lower carboy storage shelf, the carboy slipped off the edge a bit and I started to fall backwards. I put my foot under it to cushion the blow. Too late, I was off balance and the carboy crashed the rest of the way to the floor sssssmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaassshshhshs. And I proceeded to fall backwards sitting on broken pieces of carboy in a pool of wine. I had to put my hand down behind me to break my fall a bit. I picked myself up and went to the house to assess the personal damages to myself.
I told the boys arriving home I was coming up to change and make sure I wasn't bleeding to death. That got their attention! I couldn't tell how much was blood and how much was wine! Stripping down in the bathroom, I had my wife check for injuries. Below find a picture of the major gash right after one of the spilled wine and broken carboy.
Well I don't know what happened, but the picture uploads are gone for me. I will try again, with much less effect to my post!
That's right, almost an eight of an inch long cut through some skin! It does sting a bit though

Be careul guys, it could have been much, much worse!
Wow! Glad you weren't hurt any worse!
You know there are exactly two types of winemakers don't you?
Those whom have broken a Carboy full of wine......
And those who will some day!

Be safe out there folks.
Rich you bast.... well you know where I was going with that!!! You had me all sorts of worried you were hurt bad!!! Glad all is ok with you. Did they give you an 8th of a stitch?????? I'll call your Workmans comp company for you!!!!
Boy ... glad you escaped without a more serious injury. I will never move another full carboy without a crate.
Gosh am I relieved . . . thought for a moment you were going to flash a picture of your cut a$$. Glad you weren't hurt bad though.
Well, I coulda been mangled, I sat right down where that big pile of glass is in the picture.
Well Tony my a$$ wasn't cut a lot, but it does have a bit of a crack in it........................- no picture so you are safe.

I'm surprised nobody told me to top off that little half full carboy. I was gonna fill er up with the leftover wine from the barrel I was drawing out of, but after cleaning up, I ran out of time for the day.

Wade, I didn't get stitches, but it really, really stings , a little............

Glad to hear that you were not really hurt. I'll bet the clean up just added insult to your injury.

Glad to see you here Bob. Yeah, it did hurt to lose the wine. I whined for quite a while after it happened. It was just a Steuben, but the deepest colored one I have ever gotten from those grapes. I only had 3 carboys of it so losing one was hard.
They will go into a blend I am sure now.
Boy what's up with these guys ! They go pro and start tossing carboys around. Us amatures never do silly stuff like that....lmao. Just glad there wasn't more blood than wine in the pic bud. Be careful out there !

Good 1 Pete!! AS they say the more experienced you are the the cockier you get and thats when accidents happen. LOL
We just have hundreds more chances to drop them than the average guy does. As we get bigger though we will use fewer and fewer carboys and more larger vessels. That and you get in more of a hurry and have to worked in cramped quarter more.
Sorry for your loss Appleman...Just very glad that you were not hurt...well maybe you pride, but that will heal too....Good Luck and hope all goes better for you...
I don't know how I missed this, Rich. I'm sorry for your wine loss but happy that you didn't get hurt worse. That could have put you out of commission for a while.I guess I have to pay more attention to the forum. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I hope you and Betty have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas season. You got all that wood put up for the winter? I hope so cause it is here!