Altering Persimmon Wine

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Jul 5, 2009
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I have 3 beautiful gallons of Persimmon wine. It's ready to bottle though I am not in a hurry. I am considering altering it or at least some of it. If you let this stuff age for a little longer than a year it is something else bottled dry. No matter how many years I let it age my wife won't like it. I am tempted to say she likes a little wine with her sugar but shes not quite that bad.
Recently we opened a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from Australia. It was listed as a dessert wine and it finished sweet but not terribly sweet and was only 12% alcohol. She liked it. Other than Mogen David ir Maneschwitz she has never said she liked a commercial wine.
Back to the persimmon, I could sweeten it a little or even add a little homemade oak extract. Are there any dessert wines that are oaked? What do you guys think about it?
I don't know about dessert wines and oak, in general terms, but just imagining persimmon wine with oak isn't putting a smile on my face. Then again, it might be awesome too so don't let my imagination hinder yours ;)

How about Sweetening a portion of the batch -- you have 3 gallons going, have you thought of drawing off 1 gallon and sweetening that will give you 5 bottles, then lay up the other two gallons and let it age for a year for the dry persimmon for you?
I like your 1 for you 2 for me approach
I often separate batches of wine and change them. I think I just might turn a portion of that into a dessert style for her and add some oak and set it up for a year or so. The wine is a beaut. It is sitting in a carboy absolutely clear and not a spec of sediment last time I checked it. It's a beautiful thing.