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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2011
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I put my new Allinone to use this weekend. Racked 6 gallons of Pinot Noir and bottled 5 gallons of Blueberry. I'm most inpressed with the ease of bottling. This is truely a great piece of equipment. Thanks again to Austin and all else for the givaway and many thanks to Steve for his generosity!
It was a truly a pleasure to be able to give back to the community that has supported me for over 5 years now !

I am glad that you got to be able to use it to its full capability -

Stay in touch as I have 2 new product lines coming out to help us
winemakers, in order to make our lives easier and better wine in the process !!
Love the all in one wine pump!

Cant say enough about it. Talked to the Gail at my local brew shop about it. I think she will be calling you. I have used it a bunch.
An inert spray to fill head space?

A variable volume carboy to negate having to care for head space?

A new and improved dry airlock?

A filter while bottling upgrade to the AIO?

A partridge in a pear tree?
Been itching to pull the trigger on the all in one... I've heard absolutely nothing but positive reports.