Mosti Mondiale All Juice Petite Syrah??

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I think I will do the same thing. It should turn out great. This will be the next kit I buy.
Mharris335 said:
Any taste notes on the kit yet? I also love PS from commercial wines. Really like to know how this kit would stack up to them?

The commercial Petite Sirah wines that I've tasted tend to bunch together with deep, dark fruit and some earthiness. I have this kit currently aging in a medium toast French Oak barrel and tasted it in the month of June to see how it was coming along. While I would not put this side by side to other Petite Sirah wines that I've tasted, it has a very nice taste to it. I feel that the use of the grape pack enhanced this AllJuice wine compared to the other similar non-'packed' AllJuice kits that I have made. Do note that I used a Mosti AllGrape pack, which added no sugar.

The current wine is showing nice moderate red/black fruit character. It's not as dark nor as intense as commercial Petite Sirah wines, but I am pleased with how it is progressing.

Which commercial Petite Sirah wines do you prefer?

- Jim

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