alive and well,

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Senior Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Yes, Pepere is alive and well and STILL living in the land of Mary, Queen of Scotts. Been alot going on here and some of it not so nice. My best friends son (19) did the unthinkable and is no longer with us. Combine that with the incident yesterday a VT and it's like be kicked in the groin!

House isn't sold yet but, we have hope. Been living in WVA for part of the time and don't have internet service up there yet. I must spend time up there so I can get the place finished .......... just in case this place ever sells. Came home Sat. to find someone had lifted the for sale sign. Guess they don't want us to move

On the lighter side, yes, I'm still making wine. The Chard is bulk aging and woo hoo does it taste gooooooood. Pinot Grigio is a real hit around here, and the Chanti is just marvy now that it's going on 8 months. I've got to get started on the GA Riesling so it's ready for the summer or SWMBO will simply not forgive me. Whle my lilac wine is almost finished I'm not sure it's my cup of tea. I will bottle it any way and give it as gifts. It's going on a year since vinted and sure smells like lilacs ust not sure I care for it.

our cottage in Maine survived an incredible winter and spring and the ice hasn't left the banks yet. I suspect Frank is having a tough time getting to his sugar maples with all the weather up that way! We lost a huge oak in WVA and it took me three days to get it cut up. Still need to split it.

Okay, enough for now. Nice to be back among familiar faces!!
Nice to hear from you friend and life sure can be troubling at times.
Good to hear from you agian, and it great that you are back. Sounds like a hectic time right now but as time goes by, things will settle down and you'll settle in....
Hi Pepere,

Glad to see you on the forum. Looking forward to some W.Va. spring pictures!!

As you can imagine the redbuds and dog woods are begining to bloom. Don't know when we'll get back but I'll try and get a few photo's. We're headed to NJ this weekend and PA next weekend. Maybe the first of May we'll get some pix.

Our 450 lb black bear made a visit to the neighbors while we were there but no damage other than some garbage strewn around. I'd sure like to get a pic of the ol boy but he's mostly nocternal and rarely seen during the day. Most folks have these heavy wood boxes for their garbage but he just flips them over like cardboard.

In any event, it's nice to be back on board.