Advice please

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Aug 14, 2009
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Some advice please from you experts. My strawberry tasted weak so I made an f-pak by steam juicing 4# of strawberries, reduced by about 1/4 on the stove and added to the wine 3 weeks ago. When i went to bottle it last week I was suprised to find it fermenting vigourisly. I had added potassium sorbate and k-meta before adding f-pak and thought the steaming and boiling would have killed off any little nasties so I didn't think I needed to add to the f-pak. That was my mistake I think.
I've been watching it for a week now and the fermenting has slowed a little but is still going good.
My question : Is the wine still salvagable? If so how?
Potassium sorbate does not kill yeast, it just prevents reproduction. If your strawberry was still on the lees and you added the F-pack and stirred, the live but dormant yeast in the lees can become active again and ferment the F-pack.

Sulfite/sorbate should be added only when the wine is fairly clear and racked off the lees.
No lees. I have racked it three times using campden tablets the first and third, the last time used sparkolloid, so the wine was clear. thanks for the info. I didn't know that potassium sorbate didn't kill yeast. So much about this to learn!
Did you take an SG reading before & after adding the fpac? If so take one now could also just be gas. Peter's right though could be super yeast. What yeast did you use to ferment.
Didn't take an SG reading. Primaried it to .995. Right now it is still.995. There is a ring of lees around the bottom of the carboy so I'm guessing it went thru fermentation again. Used Red Star Montrachet yeast. I've used this before and didn't have any problems.
Couldn't help but taste it. Can't taste yeast so maybe the fermentation is over and I'm seeing gas now. Tastes alright, a little strong but not bad. Smells good tho, like strawberries.
I have a lot of time and effort in this batch and I would really like to save it if I can. Can I rack it off, add k-meta and potassium sorbate and continue on for a while longer?
I think its just gas and is just strong tasting because its young and needs time to mellow. Just continue on as you were planning. Do make sure you degas well that will make clearing much easier.