Addition of K ferm to grape must

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Sep 25, 2020
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I added 1/2 the recommended does at the beginning of fermentation, and was gonna add the rest of the dose halfway through sugar depletion. Got stuck at the firehouse for 36 hours and the sugar has depleted by 2/3s. Should I add that dose now or forgo it since PF is almost complete??? Thanks I advance.
If you can post your SG readings, that would be helpful. Also, what kind of juice/fruit?
Bear with me, I’m new, lol. SG seems to be 1.030. They’re Pinot noir grapes/must. Thanks for the help.
Yeah, I would add a small dose and call it good. I'm also doing PN currently, and the fact that you're using real fruit usually gives the yeast enough nutrients to finish cleanly. Hence why I asked about the DG and fruit type.

But I think you're fine to add a small dose now if you want.
I believe the manufacture says to add the second half at 1/3 depletion. I would add, but cut down the amount.
I agree with this- If you add too much too late the yeast can't metabolize it and you're stuck with off flavors (not to mention stuff you may not want to drink) in your finished wine. So I wouldn't add the full amount.
So I’m supposed to add another 7 grams. Just do 2-3? Should I add go firm with this dose as well? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help!!! Never mind, I think I answered my own question about go ferm. I’m going to add 2.5 grams instead of the pre-required 7.5. Seem reasonable to everyone?
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