accidentally stirred

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Wild Duk

Senior Member
Nov 20, 2008
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I forgot andpitched my wine yeast, then carried the bucket upstairs to where it will sit.....I know the directions say not to stir, is this going to be a big deal, the wine got shook up in the move???
Won't be a problem at all.
Most of us have to do things like that. It wont hurt it but next time i bet you move it before adding the yeast.
RELAX dont worry...
It will all come out great. They mean once fermentation starts.
It doesnt matter. Most wines get stirred even during fermentation when punching down the cap. Those yeast know what to do!
Is this the same wine you were asking about in another thread? Just a hint try and keep it under the same topic so you can keep all the info together. Makes it easier to track.
For the record, I mix the heck out of the must and I rehydrate the yeast, every time. No problems.
I always do that. Pitch, then carry to the resting location. Never had a problem it yet.
Wow, you are getting a lot of comments on this quickly. I will add my agreement to the bunch! I have mixed up many batches in the winter, carried down the stairs to the furnace room on the other side of the house. I never saw a difference between adding it in the kitchen or in the furnace room.

Yeast is very resourceful. I know folks have asked how much yeast they need to start 20-30 gallons before and get told 3-5 packets of yeast. When I make wine with crushed grapes, I sprinkle one packet on top of 25 gallons of must in a 32 gallon fermenter and it gets going strong in one or two days and eat the grapes up!
I disagree with everyone so far!!! It's beyond saving!!! PM me for a shipping address where it can be disposed of!!! HAHA