RJ Spagnols Acai Raspberry

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Oct 16, 2009
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Has anyone here made the Acai Raspberry Mist? I started one today and after noticed a lot of you are adding sugar. Sounds like a good idea. If I ran my numbers correct I need to add about 8 to 8-1/2 cups. Starting SG was 1.060. I'd like to get at least a ABV of 10% but don't want to overdo it.
I made this and it was very good. The first time I tasted it, it was on tap and carbonated. I tweaked mine to about 9-10% and it was very good. I put half the f-pack in upfront and the other half on the end.
I like the idea of adding about 1/2 of the F pack. I wasn't really a sweet wine guy till I tried some Riesling's. I figure if it comes out too dry, I can always add some sugar. But i doubt I'll need it.

This is only my 4th kit and the first one I've dared to experiment with. I was really look for a quick kit so I can keep my hands off my other stock and let it age as it should
Just to update.

I racked to secondary this weekend and had some left over. (Still getting a handle on my different carboy sizes.) I was forced to drink the leftover and it was great. This is my first fruity wine and I liked it better than I thought. Although I drank it at room temperature, I think it could use some chilling. Now I have the incredibly long racking time of two weeks to wait before bottling. Might have some left over again, which would be just too bad.

Added 7-1/2 cups sugar and 1/3 of the Fpack upfront. Still a little sweet for me, but tolerable. I'm guessing you need the sweetness on the quickdrinkers.