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jobe05 said:
If that doesn't touch ones heart and bring out the true spirit and meaning of this time of year, and giving in general, nothing will.
You should be very proud of your girl Frank, and you should give yourself a pat on the back for raising shuch a sweet, caring, and very insightfull person.

I agree...very touching....Peace in 2007 for exceptions!!!

To Know you is to Love you.

A great story, Frank -- and it started with a simple gesture of maple syrup given away. Itshows how even the simplist gesture of kindness can reap uncounted rewards. How proud you must be of your daughter and your whole family -- thank you for sharing with us.
OilnH2O said:
and it started with a simple gesture of maple syrup given away. Itshows how even the simplist gesture of kindness can reap uncounted rewards.

It's called "Paying it forward" (Great movie for those who have never seen it but I think it's called "Pay it forward").

Something I wish more people in this world would think about.
Frank, at first I thought it was written byyou and Iwas touched reading it, but when Irealized it was writtenby your daughter... oh man... emotional

What a beautiful story.
Frank, you and your family are one of a kinds. I truely hope to meat you some day. I hope you and yours have had a joyous Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year.

What you can do with a
digital camera, a $.06 guitar from EBay, and a


I just picked up Miss Lilly at the Bangor airport at 10pm, she has a cold and is home in bed now, a snow storm is coming tomorrow, but if all goes well I should have some pictures tomorrow night..(my daughter and granddaughter (Lilly) live in Tennessee now.
Great.Hope the little princess gets to feeling bettrer soon stinkie. Always look forward to your pictures
Lilly arrived late last night
with a cold (from Tennessee on an airplane), but was in good spirits this
morning for breakfast with her little pony.


I was so ugly as a baby that my momma carried me upside down without a diaper on and told everybody I was born with just one eye
Bwahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry sang

She is a doll stinkie....Edited by: Waldo