A Swamp Yankee

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Jul 4, 2004
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<H2 align=center>
<H2 align=center>A Swamp Yankee</H2>
<H6 align=center><?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p></H6>
<H5>Is frugal past the point of being cheap. Lives by adage, “Use it up, wear it out, make do or go without.”<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<H5>Right or wrong he speaks his mind, and he's rarely wrong. Disagree with him at your own risk.<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<H5>Installed electricity and telephone after the rest of the world and considers both a little wasteful.<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<H5>Is honest when trading or selling something, unless he thinks you're trying to cheat him.<O:p> Then he'll bamboozle you beyond what you had thought possible.</O:p> </H5>
<H5>Won't cheat you as long as you're honest. If cheated he never forgets and always gets back.<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<H5>Believes in hard work, and has no use for those who don’t.<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<LI>Hates taxes, but eventually pays them, then insists on road improvements in front of his woodlots.<O:p> </O:p>
<H5>As a child, he walked 2 miles each way to school every day, barefoot, uphill both ways, carrying his brother, in the snow, etc.<O:p> </H5>
<H5></O:p>Puts up with those damn summer people, as long as they spend a good deal of money in town, respect his property and don't shoot his cows during deer season.<O:p> </H5>
<H5></O:p>Doesn't hunt out of season unless he needs the meat or feels like it. Firmly believes that jacking deer is a given right.<O:p> Keeps a flashlight close by just in case. </H5>
<H5>Goes fishing or hunting when he wants to, knowing that the Fish &amp; Game laws are for those damn summer people.<O:p> </O:p></H5>
<H5>Will paint the barn as soon as he figures it really needs it, and then gets around to it. (In that order.)</O:p> </H5>
<H5>And last of all, is honest, self-sufficient and will do what he damn well pleases.</H5></LI>[/list]</H2>

I lived in Naragansett for a while back in 1978 - 1980............

I didn't think that much of the area rubbed off on me......

I guess it did.......

Sounds just like the description of a "Jackpine Savage".
A few years ago my aunt got a call from the local St. Vincent dePaul. They said that there would be a truck in their area next week and could they stop by their house to pick up any old clothing. My aunt told them "No." When asked why not she replied, "Because I'm still wearing them!"
I try hard to be more like her every day!
I love it masta. It's funny how much just reading that made me think of home.
We have Scotsmen where I come from.
Doers every nation have its own group who are considered 'careful with
money' etc...?