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I guess this is what we were preparing for in those boring lab classes and just didn't know it. If we knew then what we know now

He kind of looks like Mr. Gorby, too.(teacher).

Hmmmm I did an acid test once...back in about 64 or 65 I think it was. Im not sure what the reading was but I waz a sure seeing that music and a hearing them colors

Got any pictures of you in the 60's. We sure would like to see them!!!

I can just picture you in tie-die and fringed boots!!

It was called a "blotter"back then Hi and I was in Aspen Colorado in a commune. Was quite a trip. Actually, at the time, I was on quite a trip. I graduated High School in 65 and that summer I packed me a knapsack and ventured off to explore our great nation. I spent 18 months hitch hiking all over this great nation of ours. Had a lot neat experiences, met a lot of great people and no dowbt, my greatest experience in meeting people was sharing a bottle of wine with Jamis Joplin at the Hyatt Lodgein Lake Tahoe, CA. Here is a picture from the early 70's Ramona..I was tamed down considerably by then. Will see if I can find an earlier one too. This one would have been around 75. It was Easter at Moms house with my wife Kathy and our daughter, Sherrie....Love the pants though

very cool pic waldo. My only experience was a three day weekend in think in 1991, Rebel Stadium in Vegas, where Steve Miller opened for the Grateful Dead. An experience I will remember for the rest of my life.
We all have memories

Cherished and dear

Some are becoming vague

Others still quite clear

I've heard it said by those,

who are supposed to know

That with old age, your memory begins to go.

I have my own theory about this

And I'll share with all of you

I know it's a fact we only remember

Things that are important to us

And so I believe the older we get

The less important things become
Thanks Margaret!! I believe with all of my heart that our happiness in life is contingent with being happy with who and what we are. Never looking behind, wondering what could have been but looking forward at what possibilities lie ahead. And in my futureI see some really good wines..Mind you now, that picture is still a bit fuzzy but coming more in focus each day.
I really don't remember Hippie..it wasn't mine..one of my brothers or sisters. I had an Opel Kadette at the time
I had an Opel when I lived in Germany! I thinkit was simply badged 'GT'. It didn't run like any GT, but was reliable.


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