A Message From A Newbie

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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All I wanted was to make me some wine

From the Blackberries given by a friend of mine.

I squashed them and stuffed em in some panty hose.

And into a plastic bucketthey did go.

I added 10 lbs of sugar and some Fleischmans yeast

Not knowing I was already facing defeat.

I then decided I would go online

And find some info

my technique to refine

I typed in "Recipe for Blackberry Wine"

The pages that loaded were 33,409.

I began reading, page after page.

Oh my gosh, what have done?

I'm trying to make wine

not hot cross buns.

The yeast that I used, I discovered with dread

Was strictly for making homeade bread

And would never bring my wine to a head.

Site after Site, word after word

I was slowly realizing what I had done was absurb.

Peptic Enzyme, Acid Blend, Campden tablets and Pottasium Sorbate

Lavin and Red Star, Was I too late?

Tannin I thought was done on deer hides

I looked in my bucket and wanted to cry

I then decided...I WILL NOT WHINE

If it doesnt work out, I'll try it, one more time.

So I went back to the net with a plan in mind

And found this really great site, "Fine Vine Wines"

Everything I needed he had in his store

And his site had a Forum with good people galore.

My every question, my every concern

Not a one would anyone spurn.

So my plastic bucket is now my "Primary Fermenter"

And I have a whole country of Mentors

My glass jug has now become a "carboy"

The balloon on the neck, I threw out the door.

It is now fitted with a carboy stopper

And an airlock that bubbles, I am now a WinemakersToy Store shopper.

My arsenal growing, day by day

And George has me another box on the way.

To all of you fine, Ladies and Gents

I know my time on your forum will be truly well spent.

From a Hillbilly "Newbie" I say from my heart

Thanks to all of you for my Winemaking start.
YeeeHawww! That is just about the best poem I ever read!

Way to go Waldo!

George, you better not lose this guy!


You are very gifted in so many areas!!!! That is a great poem...

Where have you been all this time!!!!!!!!! Where has Waldo been!!!

Thanks Guys/Gals.I just open my mouth and let my heart speak someimes.

I really feel like I have came to play poker and did not bring any money. So for now, I will just sitand watch the game and as the coins fall from the table I will gather them from the floor and when I feel I have enough I will become a real contributor to the game. Until then, suffer my presenceEdited by: Waldo
Thanks Margaret and Hi....I am glad you enjoyed it..Perhaps I will write more as the er "Spirits" move me
Group, I think we have our renaissance man!
Waldo, great poem! You made me laugh and I'm still smiling! I love the part about the yeast!
Your poem is wonderful and I am truly honored. I am normally not at a loss for works, but Ireally don't know what to say, so I will just say "Thank you, very much!"
I am beginning to feel like the "Mad Scientist" , Bubbling airlocks, racking tubes, Hoses Chemical packets, and bottle fillers ..WHAT HAVE YOU PEOPLE DONE TO ME !!
Waldo said:
I am beginning to feel like the "Mad Scientist" , Bubbling airlocks, racking tubes, Hoses Chemical packets, and bottle fillers ..WHAT HAVE YOU PEOPLE DONE TO ME !!

In the words of the Borg, "you have been assimilated..."

Wow, that looks like a page out of my highschool chemistry book!!!!

You have it all, the burettes, pipettes. beakers. I don't have that acid testing thingdown yet. I think I need the proper equipment. I'll work on it ....where did you get the chem lab?

Yeah, looks like the chem book, but not with the glass 'o' wine in the front on the table!

Why wasn't chemistry that fun?

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