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Jan 25, 2007
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I've been lurkin' around this forum forsome time now. I did not register to the forum because all the quetions I have, have already been asked and answerd. I've been thinking about making wine for a couple years now. Then a couple of months ago I found this web sight and got hooked. Everyone has been so friendly, helpful and informative. For christmas my brother got me a wine making equipment kit and a WE Selection Original Barolo juice kit. It is currently clarifying and I will be bottling it soon. I just ordered a Vinters Reseve Riesling and some more equipment from George. When I ordered the kit I also orderd 2 different cases of bottles. Since it was 2 different types of bottles, and I ordered online it only took the 1 dollar off of 1 case. But then I got an e-mail from George telling me he took 1 dollar off the total order. I know it's only 1 dollar but,he took the time and effort the take care off this ( THANKS GEORGE) and thanks to everyone for being so helpful. I'll be lurking around and look foward to more friendly advise. Later Mike.
Yep...sounds like George...he is amazing. I lurk too...for two years now. Hang aroung, you will learn a lot!
Welcome slingshot! Dont be afraid to ask any questions even if theyve
been answered before , We dont mind answering questions that have been
asked before at all, speciall since all people do not use search and
will learn this way.
Welcome Slingshot,

Glad you joined the forum after lurkin' for so long and please feel free to ask questions and post your progress.
Howdy Mike. Don't just lurk- participate. Everyone will help you when they can and someday you can help others the same way. Start making labels now and share them with us in the form of pictures. Everybody, especially Waldo likes pictures.
Yeah, you guys are cool. On the motorcycle forums there is alot of fighting and put downs. It's so great I don't see that here.
Slingshot said:
On the motorcycle forums there is alot of fighting and put downs. It's so great I don't see that here.

masta don't play that game here!
wade said:
Were to drunk to fight!

I think that sums it up. I want to throw my welcome to the forefront as well. Participate away. As I am sure you have read, we talk about everything, not just wine. I know what you mean about other forums like your motorcycle forums. I am a member of a bunch of Jeep forums. They are filled with tons of teen to early 20's punk kids who want to be cool. Since we already know we are cool here and it is an established and proven fact, we are just nice and have a good time. Once again, Welcome aboard.

I don't have allot to offer as far as advice, but I like to put my two cents in. Post some pictures. I like pictures.
Slingshot said:
Yeah, you guys are cool. On the motorcycle forums there is alot of fighting and put downs. It's so great I don't see that here.

Welcome, and nothing could be truer then that staement. I use alot of online message boards for different subjects. I have to say that this is without question the most friendly and helpfulone I have ever seen. I dont have alot of advice to give, but boy have I had the pleasure of recieving it here. These guys are great!
Welcome to the forum Sling!!!!

and sally3.....the sally3 who was at Winestock??? Good to see you...where have you been?

Slingshot, welcome aboard and you are welcome for the $1.00. I do the adjustment because my online ordering system does not always give the $1.00 off if you buy more that one type of bottle. I need to fix it (along with several other things), but for the time being, I just adjust the final charge. This is one of the many reasons that I refuse to charge your credit card until I actually ship the order. It gives me the opportunity to fix any problems on the order. I will lower invoice totals, but not increase them without contacting the customer.
Welcome Sligshot! You couldn't ask for anything else with all the friends in this forum. They have all been here when I needed help. Even when it sounds like the stupidest question around; I asked and someone was there to help unwind my confusion. WELCOME!