A beautiful day in the heart land

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Senior Member
May 31, 2007
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After 2 weeks of hot, cloudy and rainy weather. The sun would come out long enough to fire up a storm. The cold front decided to move on. It left behind some great weather. Temps in the up 70's and low humidity. It made you to want to get backoutside again. Just about had to make hay in the front yard.We are supposed another day of nice weather and then it's supposed to warm back up again. I hope the rain and then the cool weather reaches the ones that really need it.

I hear you on the baling hay in the yard! It's so nice after the break in the weather and a chance to spruce up the yard a bit. It feels like a whole new place then.
Thanks wade!

We spent most of the day yesterday sprucing it up PWP. Took sometime in the evening to enjoy the weather and the hummingbirds fighting over the feeder. We have a finch feeder that holds about 5 # of seed. I filled it yesterday morning. This is what it looks like now.


If they are like this now. I don't know if I can keep up with them this winter.Edited by: swillologist
I hear ya there, we can not keep up with our 2 bird feeders either and funny you mention humming birds as we dont have a feeder but our neighbor has flowers blooming and in the 6 1/2 years we lived here we never saw a humming bird here until 2 days ago, I was out in the yard and had 2 of them buzzing over my head like a Hariere Jet, the ones that can hoover and take of vertically.