2 new batches today

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Senior Member
May 11, 2011
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I stopped by the local orchard & picked up 6 gallons of apple cider.

Batch 1
6 gallon cider
10 cups sugar
11 cinnimon sticks
lalvin d47

Batch 2
24 cans of grape juice concentrate. a mix of welches, kroger & seneca
the kroger & seneca had a lighter colored sediment in the bottom of the cans. Any idea what it is? the welches did not have the lighter colored "stuff" in the bottom. it was dark & clear.

Interesting that 24 cans of concentrate & filling the bucket up to the 6 gallon mark = SG of 1.100

Pectic enzyme
NO acid. Tested around .7
6 campden crushed
will use lalvin 1122 tomorrow.

This batch will be flavor packed later with 6 cans of concentrate b4 bottling.

Fun day!!


apple cider.jpg
This apple still isn't clear. It's been setting in a carboy since it was made on 9/30/11. I did rack off secondary about a month ago. The top 3-4 inches have been clear for a few weeks.

I'm thinking sparkolloid? I've not used any clearing agents yet. Any ideas.

has it degassed yet? and what temp are you keeping it at?
if the temp is low, warm it up, in the mid 70s and try degassing, then put it somewhere cool like 55 or 60 for a week or so. should help.

It might be good to go. I've made apple wine (ed wort's) and it's looked semi-clear from about half way down the 6 gal carboy, but when racking it's full out clear. Just try racking it again. When it goes through the siphon you'll see how clear it is.

Also, I'm sure sure if this is real or not but try shaking it. Seems that the sediment will settle after being shaken.
I agree with jdrum, make sure it is warmed up and degass.

seanstermatic, all you are doing when you shake your wine is another method of degassing, which I would not recommend because if you drop the carboy while tring to shake it you will have one God awful mess on you hands.
I always make sure my Apple cider juice is right out the bladders hose, prior to any chems being added or being pasturized. Always have to sign a paper stating its for making wine, as they don't usually sell un pasturized juice to the public.


It is ~ 67F. I'm going to move upstairs for a week. it's a little over 70 up here. Maybe rack & stir to degass after a few days of letting the temp stabilize. Thanks,

Julie, when you strong like horse like me then shaking is not problem. :h

Well let me hear you say that when you are dancing around shaking your carboy and it slips out of your hand. :) Strong like horse will be crying like baby, when that happens. :<
shaking a 5 or 6 gal carboy sound like a lot of work (and thats a dirty four letter word) hard on the back, and dangerous if it gets away from you, it's hard to drink when the wines all over the floor.
