101 in Texas

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Senior Member
Feb 16, 2006
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Let me just say that it was 101 in my neck of the woods yesterday, and they are calling for the same today. On the themometer on the outside of my hot tub said 112 in the sun! My air conditioner is running non stop, and my wine fund is going to have to be moved to cover the electric bill
I work on the principle that my wine efforts are limiting my spending on
wine and so already contributing to the electric bill. It was only 100 in
Huntsville, so it's still only spring

I'm giving up food, clothing and work to try and save enough to run my
SWIMMING POOL instead of my A/C
Geee... Look what we woke up to Easter morning! And, while I didn't take a picture, yesterday morning there was a half-inch of snow on the deck and those mountains in the background were ALL white!


I didn't take a pic yesterday because I was trying to figure out how much of my money Uncle Sam got to keep! Today? Oh, it's sunny and the snow's all gone, and temps will be in the 60's! That's springtime in God's Country!
Gee Peter, never really thought of it like that. I'm actually saving money. I always use that when shopping for clothes, new shoes etc., don't know why I didn't think if it for my wine! Thanks
Guess I can't complain about the "cool" 95 degrees here today. I got in the pool today for the first time to do some cleaning and maintenance. I didn't want to get out thats for sure. The wife wasn't too thrilled I wore my Hawaiian swim trunks and a tank top to work today.

I guess we're a few months behind in the weather department. 65° here in Maryland on Tuesday and maybe 70° today. Dogwood and redbuds are out and the grass needs cutting. I noticed the sport boats were out in the Bay yesterday fishing for "Rockfish," Stripped Bass every where else in the world. Lots of good stuff going on BUT WE AIN'T GETTIN' IN THE WATER YET SMURFE!!!

I'm sure if Frank checks in they may still have ice on the ponds up in Maine. Hope you are all enjoying the warm............we're just jealous!
Pepere said:
I'm sure if Frank checks in they may still have ice on the ponds up in Maine. Hope you are all enjoying the warm............we're just jealous!

Weare having a heat wave here in Ohio: 62 degrees and sun! Tomorrow it's supposed to be 67 degrees, and I'm breaking out the shorts!

No offense, Texans, but somehow, I don't feel sorry for you about talks of upkeep of the swimming pool!

Seriously, just make sure that no one works too hard out in the heat, and don't forget to drink a lot of gatorade.
Yea, us Texans are heating up. Once those 90's creep in we won't look at much below that if at all until maybe.......October!!!

Much rather be in the cool, crisp north!!!!!

Uncle Sam is buying me some Vinbright filters and a Piedmont Nebbiolo
D’Alba kit. How nice of him!!

For the first time, I have enough in the cellar that I can afford for something
to sit a year. Yeah!!
MedPretzel said:
Pepere said:
I'm sure if Frank checks in they may still have ice on the ponds up in Maine. Hope you are all enjoying the warm............we're just jealous!

Weare having a heat wave here in Ohio: 62 degrees and sun! Tomorrow it's supposed to be 67 degrees, and I'm breaking out the shorts!

No offense, Texans, but somehow, I don't feel sorry for you about talks of upkeep of the swimming pool!

Seriously, just make sure that no one works too hard out in the heat, and don't forget to drink a lot of gatorade.

Actually,I will never have another place that has a pool. They are a major pain. Course ours has a heavy swim load (30+ kids a day)so the maintenance is way more than the average homeowners pool. I have to clean it daily. The average homeowner only has to clean weekly.
