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    Happy Birthday Otto

    Happy birthday, Otto. Hope it's a good one for you.
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    What do you think of government regulations?

    Since when is it illegal to conduct business the American way??? You buy a product, and sell it at a price you think you can make profit on. What about restaurants that give seniors a discount? Are they next? Sounds like to me the government is into price-fixing.
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    Parents 50th Wedding Ann. label

    Awesome label, doc.
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    My first real bonehead winemaking moment

    Sorry for your loss smurfe. Just remember: if you're not making mistakes, you must not be doing anything. I'll be moving back to St. Amant this weekend. Maybe we can get together the next time you bottle so you can show me how the pros do it (yes, I still think you're a pro, even though you...
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    Happy B-Day Peter

    Happy Birthday, Peter. Hope it's a good one for you.
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    Spring 2007 -WooHoo!!

    Nice one, CG. CG, Jr. is about the same age I started taking my sons hunting. They're all as big as I am now, but those were some fun times.
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    A Request to All

    Hey PeterZ, I updated my info. I don't mind showing my location. Heck, maybe I'll get more visitors if I do!
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    Birthday Boy!!

    Happy Birthday, Wade. Thanks for sharing your experience and know-how with us. I, for one, have learned a lot from reading your helpful posts here. Hope you have an excellent day!
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    Happy Birthday Masta

    Happy Birthday, masta. Hope you have a good one. I'll raise a glass to ya tonight when I get home.
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    Happy Birthday.........

    Happy Birthday, George! I'm only a couple years behind you, and I agree with NW, we're not getting older, we're getting better.
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    Variation of Ancient Orange

    I started an Ancient Orange 12 days ago (my first mead). The orange-peel taste is quite strong, hope it mellows out a little with age. The SG is1.050, but the fermentation is still going fairly well, so maybe it'll finish only semi-sweet.
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    My First Muscadine

    Looking forward to the pics and updates on this one, sangwitch.
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    Lol, that's a good one, NW. I really got a kick out of it.
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    Happy Birthday Smurfe

    Happy Birthday, smurfe. Hope it's an enjoyable one for you. On a side note, how much are the crawfish going for at American Market down the street?
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    Waldo's Spiced Mead

    I tell ya what, Waldo, this looks like something I definitely have to try. It looks great! Do grocery stores carry candied ginger? I don't remember ever seeing it before.
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    2007 - what do you have in production

    Hope y'all don't get tired of reading before you get to the end of my long list. Primary 1 gal. welches red concentrate Secondary None Aging None Ready to bottle None On deck None Looks like I need to get busy, huh? Still savingso I can getmore...
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    WineXpert Probably a stupid question....

    JB, I haven't been a member here very long, butone thing I've learned is that there is no such thing as a stupid question on this board. The people here are great, and seem to like helping each other and answering questions ALMOST as much as actually making wine. I am really learning...
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    Question from a newby: If we sanitize, then rinse with tap water, does that add oxygen back to the surface of the container, so that the bad bacteria are no longer dormant? Just wondering, because one of the posts here mention that they sanitize, then rinse.
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    Is a Better Bottle really better?

    Thanks for the info, y'all. I guess I'll go with glass (and try to pay more attention to the topics next time, hehe).
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    Is a Better Bottle really better?

    I'm gettign ready to buy my first 6 gallon carboy. I think I'd rather use glass, but considering my clumsiness, and the fact that a plastic carboy can be drilled for a racking spigot, I'm kinda leaning towards plastic. Have any of y'all used plastic? If so, how do you like it? Thanks.