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      spg1954 reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Mead questions with Like Like.
      The target that I have seen was 140F for ten minutes. Note that if running something like cider one has a probe and does not start...
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      spg1954 reacted to Hazelemere's post in the thread Mead questions with Like Like.
      Here are some ideas that may help you going forward: 1. I'm an old timer like you, just turned 74 2 days ago. 2. You have the ability...
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      spg1954 reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Mead questions with Like Like.
      Welcome to Wine Making Talk * I would not cold stabilize a mead. I use that term for the action of chilling and precipitating...
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      spg1954 reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Superbowl with Like Like.
      A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl. As he sat down, he noticed that the seat next to him was empty. He asked the man on...
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      spg1954 reacted to Raptor99's post in the thread Lemon Balm Wine - I'm going for it! with Like Like.
      Yes it does. I discovered that when making hard ginger ale. I eventually got it to ferment, but it was a struggle. This time I am using...
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