Winemakers magazine contest

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@winemaker81 said "I recall a wine I didn't taste. I sniffed a wine, nearly gagged, and there was NO way I was putting that in my mouth. Not sure I'd chance damaging my sink with it. That wine produced the longest discussion, as we couldn't figure out what the maker did wrong. It made a badly oxidized wine smell good."
This made me laugh because it reminded me of the Andy Griffith Show, Aunt Bee's pickles episode where they were judging pickles at the County Fair. 😂
Wine contest and their judging is all subjective by nature nothing more, however the contents of their reply's are. .In my experience in nation wide contest sending the same wines and getting different reply's or replies close to the same enables me to refined my process not drastically ,just enough to continue to better my process and grow as a cellar dweller.
I took my coffee port and refined it to a point that it doesn.t loose at any contest all by means of adjustments and time. just my thoughts on contests and judging.
@joeswine, it's great you've had a positive experience with contests.

I hope my post regarding judging didn't turn anyone off on competing. Of the 30+ folks I worked with each year I judged, there was only the one that stood out negatively. The vast majority took the job very seriously and did their best to be honest and fair. Sadly, there are a few bad apples in most bunches ...

The NC State Fair had an amateur wine competition last I knew. I need to look into that ... I had a great experience in NY and am thinking I'd like a re-do. My son lives in the area and it would be a good father/son experience ... as long as my wife is driving afterward!
I try to send a wine or two to be judged at the NY State Fair every year and until about two years ago they always said that they had few judges who had expertise in meads. That aside, it's always good to get feedback from people who have a relatively educated palate even if sometimes their preferences or disdain for a particular wine makes their scoring more subjective than one might wish. The feedback, though, tends to be relatively objective: Your score might be lower than warranted if you really dislike country wines but that won't necessarily color whether you think that it is clear, has off flavors, has insufficient mouthfeel etc.
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