Wine Makers Are Shy?

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Mildly Amused
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2022
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Central Alberta
I had another post tonight about setting up a simple area to wash equipment, mix kits, etc. I was just looking for some ideas like double faucets for attaching a carboy wand while still having another water supply for anything else I am prepping.

I have a few ideas that will work for my needs, but I have never seen any one else's wine making area and I thought I'd get some good suggestions.

I diligently searched the interwebs, and usually I can find what I want even if it takes some time. Most hobbyists are excited to share their setups and you can find endless images to look through for ideas.

Take reloading benches, or rooms, for example. Ideas to steal all day long.

I found one image of a simple set up for a wine making area. Tons of cellar pics, and wine storage, but no one's sharing where the magic happens.

Why is it such a secret what you do in your room all alone?

This is the only image of a nice little non commercial set up I could find.home-winery-layout.png
I have an old utility room which, until last weekend, was packed with tools and various dog walking equipment and other junk. I thought I was being pretty lavish having that to use rather than the kitchen table but I guess a hobby is a hobby and different people take it to different levels. It’s a temporary measure as it’s getting converted into a shower room this coming winter.
Here’s a couple of photos, it could do with a lick of paint but it’s clean and keeps all my rammle in one place. Apart from a dedicated fruit freezer I don’t have any special equipment. The only thing I might do is change the tap for a taller one so the buckets fit under it. 76E6FB4E-F58A-454D-93E4-D74AADB3F14C.jpeg475F644A-B4E4-461E-8947-06391E9579C3.jpeg
You could check brewing forums too Vinny, lots of folks show their brew rooms. While the boil kettles, mash and latter tuns don’t apply the sinks and shelving layout may give you some ideas. You’ll see everything from austere and utilitarian to very extravagant set ups.
Search this forum for wine room or cellar; look under the forum for wine cellar. There are several posts with pictures. Other key words are "sink, processing, countertop".
I have an old utility room which, until last weekend, was packed with tools and various dog walking equipment and other junk. I thought I was being pretty lavish having that to use rather than the kitchen table but I guess a hobby is a hobby and different people take it to different levels. It’s a temporary measure as it’s getting converted into a shower room this coming winter.
Here’s a couple of photos, it could do with a lick of paint but it’s clean and keeps all my rammle in one place. Apart from a dedicated fruit freezer I don’t have any special equipment. The only thing I might do is change the tap for a taller one so the buckets fit under it. View attachment 88183View attachment 88184
Nice view, and a good start on your stock. I think if you get enough bottled before winter you might be able to demonstrate that you don't really need a shower room. You need a bigger sink. 😄
A few months ago I asked for input on my wine room plans. This discussion has a lot of helpful information: New Wine Room Design

My own project has been stuck for the past few months, but I hope to get it moving forward soon.

Perfect thank you.

It gave me more ideas for the future than now, cause well... Who wants to think small.

I have a chest freezer right behind where I plan to set this up, I may put a dropdown counter on the wall behind it so I can set up a work space there as well. Then I have a washing station and work area. It might make more sense to move carboys to store in my room and keep all the production in one place.

Something like this to save the grief of lifting and moving primary's and carboys

Why is it such a secret what you do in your room all alone?

I can not report for anyone here but me. But, through the grape vine (pun intended), I do have some confirmation: if one is married, and your wine room is not perfectly tidy, and I admit mine never is (it is sanitary, but never tidy enough to the ever loving wife ... because there is this and that here and there), then the wife may say "You are not going to post that photo online are you???". ;)

And in today's world, I understand her point. For every person that likes what image I post there are far (in fact far, far) too many arm chair critics "telling" me what I did wrong. Who wants to bother with that. **

Ideas to steal all day long.

Ergo another reason. I am not fond of others stealing my ideas.

P.S. If you do not know know what Verecund means... look it up. 😎

** Edit : Also note, that many here, and who make wine at home, are probably over the half century mark in age. Not so willing to "share" photos of more private spaces than those under 40 who are more willing to show the world their intimate spaces in photos or videos.
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I can not report for anyone here but me. But, through the grape vine (pun intended), I do have some confirmation: if one is married, and your wine room is not perfectly tidy, and I admit mine never is (it is sanitary, but never tidy enough to the ever loving wife ... because there is this and that here and there), then the wife may say "You are not going to post that photo online are you???". ;)

And in today's world, I understand her point. For every person that likes what image I post there are far (in fact far, far) too many arm chair critics "telling" me what I did wrong. Who wants to bother with that. **

Ergo another reason. I am not fond of others stealing my ideas.

P.S. If you do not know know what Verecund means... look it up. 😎

** Edit : Also note, that many here, and who make wine at home, are probably over the half century mark in age. Not so willing to "share" photos of more private spaces than those under 40 who are more willing to show the world their intimate spaces in photos or videos.

I have been on Facebook I have seen 'seniors' hanging out all their intimate spaces... Even dirty laundry.

So, you're telling me I have stumbled upon a subculture of our society representing the last vestige of humility and dignity?


I was gonna ask "what are you all too damn messy to share?" but I didn't want to be so presumptuous.

It's also not really stealing ideas so much as others sharing and demonstrating how to do things efficiently and effectively, giving others the opportunity to emulate.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all.
My wine making area is a pop-up winery in my garage. 3 folding Lifetime tables, the garage sink for hot and cold water, the driveway for washing up and the fan blowing to dry everything when it's clean. It actually works fine for my production scale of 50-90 gallons per year.

@balatonwine makes an excellent point about keeping the wife happy(ish) with the wine making inevitable mess, and I try and have my pop-up winery cleaned up, mopped up and put away by dark. I think only one night last year did I have to leave things out overnight.
I have been on Facebook I have seen 'seniors' hanging out all their intimate spaces... Even dirty laundry.

So, you're telling me I have stumbled upon a subculture of our society representing the last vestige of humility and dignity?


Maybe. Wine makers may be very much a subculture..... :cool:

I was gonna ask "what are you all too damn messy to share?" but I didn't want to be so presumptuous.

Heck, that would have been maybe more honest.... haha.... ;)

It's also not really stealing ideas so much as others sharing and demonstrating how to do things efficiently and effectively, giving others the opportunity to emulate.

Since we are all trying to make the world's best wine.... why would I be helpful to someone else beat me to that goal????

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all.

I for one do not need flattery. Phfff..... I can not pay bills on flattery. I want the world to beat their way to my door to buy my wine which I can demand a ridiculously high price for same. Why would I want someone else to have the same quality of wine as I have. That would decrease the beaten path to my door by 50%.... In traffic and income.....

I trust someone with a head with large :) can appreciate the humor.....
Heck, that would have been maybe more honest.... haha.... ;)

I find people often don't appreciate my honesty as much as I do.

Since we are all trying to make the world's best wine..

😦 I thought we were trying to get drunk for cheap... 🤫

why would I be helpful to someone else beat me to that goal????

I assumed someone of your great skill and experience that is making such fine wine, it would be your goal to share with others and help develop their talents just to give them the hopes of one day reaching your level of expertise.

I for one do not need flattery.

Oh, sorry! Ignore my last statement, please.
🙂 can appreciate the humor

Nice view, and a good start on your stock. I think if you get enough bottled before winter you might be able to demonstrate that you don't really need a shower room. You need a bigger sink. 😄

If I bottle enough wine before winter I might not actually be capable of installing a shower room……….hopefully!
I assumed someone of your great skill and experience that is making such fine wine, it would be your goal to share with others and help develop their talents just to give them the hopes of one day reaching your level of expertise.

Three comment to that.... (in humor ... sort of):

1) Me? Great skill in wine making? I am still trying to figure out wine making. I grow a great grape, but once it gets into the cellar.... Well....

Most of my posts and videos are vineyard based for a reason... haha.

2) Here is a photo I took of my cellar during its renovation. After that, it got complicated. Really complicated (I live in Hungary, and the rules here are silly. Really, really silly). And showing what I do can get even more complicated. Happy I have the permissions I have. No need to "rock the boat". It is.... well... Complicated....


3) I am married... The wife decides what photos of the house and cellar can be published. The other hectare of land I have I can photograph as much as I want. Compromise. :)

EDIT: I do have a real photo of myself here as my avatar. If one want's real photos of other's wine making setup, maybe not a bad idea to play fair and have an avatar or your real self before asking for real photos from others.... Just saying.
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