Where can bulk precipitated chalk be acquired wholesale?

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Mar 28, 2012
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hi all,

can anyone please indicate where I might be able to acquire precipitated chalk in bulk. I used to be able to get it in one pound bags at my local u-make-wine type place but a lot of them can't get it anymore because the juices come pre-adjusted for pH. In the old days I think the shops sold chalk (CaC03) to be used in reducing must acidity prior to pitching if necessary. I would be looking to by 12 or so pounds at a time or thereabouts.

Thanks in advance for all shared experience

great forum
Don't have any in stock at the moment, but can get some in with the next order. I can get it by the oz, lb or ton. how much do you need?:b

Edit: I have some 2 oz bottles in stock, by the pound, I would have to order.
@BWS thx, but trying to avoid ship and duty to Canada, appreciate your response