What's your user name mean?

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blumentopferde is german and means "flowerpot earth".
"blumentopf" means flower pot, "erde" means earth, "pferde" means horses. So mispronounced my name means blumento-horses. It's from a joke i know from kindergarten ;)

I have been reading this as "flower-horse" for a long time. I never bothered to think about what that extra "-to-" was doing in the middle there. I just figured it was some German thing I didn't understand! :slp
Mines pretty self explanatory , uncorking a fresh bottle is one of my favourite things to do.

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all I wanted was to learn to make wine,,, not war,, sorry
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Okay, there are still a few hundred folks out there that have not shared their username origins. Don't care if they are boring or over the top, lets hear them!
my last name but used to much so starting using zimmer2 as my second choice
We'll, I got mine cuz my Dad liked it!!!!! And I use it always cuz if it was left up to my Mom, I would be a Shirley :slp

Shirley, you can't be serious.


Enologo=Wine maker in Italian, which I'm working to become with the help of the great people on this forum. ;)

I'm curious: How does one become Italian. ;)
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my last name but used to much so starting using zimmer2 as my second choice

I have more than one user name as well. I have one for each hobby. it's the only way to keep my email organized. I have a corresponding email address for each user name also.:)
Maurtis was my WoW user name years ago. When faced with creating a user to play the game, I was re-reading On A Pale Horse at the time and Death's steed was named Mortis. So I just used a variation of that. A decade later and I am still using the name, but have long since kicked the Warcrack addiction.
A call back to when Mr. Gower the druggist hits the bottle hard after his son dies of influenza in the old Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life".
Folks, I just stumbled upon this thread and could not believe what one member thought was exceptable to post on a public forum. Not just posting and later thinking whoops but pushing it to the limits. I really don't like doing this and like to give people a long leash but this member has been voted off the island.

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