Welch's White Grape/Peach question

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Feb 19, 2010
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Hello all,

I've been lurking around the site for while and I recently picked up some Welch's White Grape/Peach concentrate from the store which I was planning to use to making a 3 gallon batch using the Welch's recipe on this site.

My question is, the ingredients list Potassium Metabisulfite so will this juice even work? If it's completely hopeless then I won't bother but what could I do to try to make this work?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Are you referring to the Pot. Meta. already in the concentrate? I have never scene that. If it is it will disapate after 24 hours. That's just to kill bacteria.
It shouldn't be impossible, as Skeeter pee has it and people can ferment that just fine. However; if you start having problems early on you can guess who the culprit will be. Leave the must out overnight be fore you pitch the yeast, longer if possible and stir it as often as you can. You can do a search for a starter as that would certainly help more then anything in overcoming the metasulfaite.
I made the Welch's white grape/peach and it turned out great. Use 3 cans per gallon and wait 24 hours before you pitch the yeast. If you do a search I think I posted a recipe for concentrates, this will work with any frozen concentrate.
I agree, the potasium meta in the juice won't stop you from making wine. Just give it the 24 hours before pitching the yeast. I just used the 3can per gallon recipe and it turned out great. I back sweetened with 4 cans of the same juice concentrate.
I back sweetened with 4 cans of the same juice concentrate.

How big of a batch did to make to use 4 cans for back sweetening?

BTW - i was doing recon tonight and saw this listed as well, i was going to ask but actually saw your question before i did.
When using these concentrates dont add any additional k-meta up front just to be safe so your yeast will take off. If it has sorbate or benzoate though forget it, it most likely will not ferment.

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