So, I have this 6 gallon batch of watermelon aging in the carboy. It is clear, tastes pretty good, but is super sweet. The day I was mixing the must, I broke my hydrometer and didn’t get a SG reading. I live in a rural area so there was no chance I could run out and buy a new one, so I dumped all the sugar I had in there (16 lbs) and let er rip. Fermentation was fast and furious! Now there is no more fermentation going on, the SG is 1.014. I have 2 vinometers, one reads 14% abv and the other reads 22%abv. I did dilute the sample with distilled water and multiply x2. Yeast was Lalvin EC-1118.
Thinking of blending it with a dry wine or something like that. Is the alcohol too high to try to restart a fermentation? What would you do?
Thinking of blending it with a dry wine or something like that. Is the alcohol too high to try to restart a fermentation? What would you do?