I freeze nearly all my fruit.
I even freeze dandelions for making wine.
When harvesting there is not always enough time to
collect all the fruit you need.
So collect whatever you can, CLEAN IT FIRST and then freeze it.
Next you can use it whenever you want.
At this moment my winemaking freezer (yes I have
a separate one for winemaking) is full with rhubarb,
elderberries, blackberries, dandelion petals and some
apples and banana's.
Advantage is that the fruit will become meshy when it
thaws. That is, like the others said, from the cell-structures
breaking down. This is actually a good thing as it makes the
juice better available for us.
I wrote an essay on rhubarb 2 year ago and how to
process it you can find it here:
Now freezing has another advantage.
When processing hard fruit like apples or pears everyone
tells you to use a press. but a press is an expensive piece of equipment and just used a few times a year.
You can also use a freezer !!!!
I demonstrated how to process apples without expensive
equipment on my web-log:
So to summarise it all in one sentence:
Freezing fruit is actually one of the best things you can do.