Two gallons of rhubarb juice

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pass the wine please
Jan 30, 2010
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I have two gallons of rhubarb juice I just pulled out of my steam juicer. I searched but all the recipes say add the fruit to water. Nothing talks about using juice. Could I make a decent 3 gallon batch from this by diluting with water or should I add some other kind of juice? I don't have any one gallon jugs so that is why I ask. Maybe I just need to go find some jugs but would like to know what you all think. I haven't done an acid test yet. The juice is still warm so will do that tomorrow. Then I am going to freeze it as per Lucs blog if I need to get the acid down. If I still need to bring it down after that, I suppose I will dilute it then.
I have 5 gallons of rhubarb I blended with raspberry. I would avoid adding water unless you needed just a bit to top off.
I bought a 5 gallon vessel of Rhubarb juice from Walkers fruit farm and made it as was. I wouldnt dilute it down myself.
I agree with the above posters. I've made several batches from Walkers also. I would not add water but use small vessals or my second choice blend with another juice. Blending before fermentation, you'll never know what you really had though.
Thanks for that. I just did acid test and it came out at 1.7% or 17 grams/litre. I will have to search to see if I need to bring that down, and how to do it.
I would try to bring that down. I did with mine by putting the carboy in my wine cellar for a few months which gets to around 50* thuis time of year and it dropped a good bit.
I would try to bring that down. I did with mine by putting the carboy in my wine cellar for a few months which gets to around 50* thuis time of year and it dropped a good bit.

I brought mine down a bit by blending it with strawberry from a kit wine. This is a wine I would leave a bit of acid in as I think it enhanced the flavor.